And, on the verge of me turning 19 years old, I was intensely anticipating the countdown to midnight. My roommate had left the room, and I began to grow suspicious. There were multiple hints that a surprise was on its way as she took her items to get ready for the night to the bathroom to wash up but left her toothbrush (which hinted to me that there would be a cake). And, when midnight stroke, a whole band of rowdy individuals entered my room.
I was super shocked to see not only my close friends, but an individual I had only met the month before. It was my friend's roommate who wasn't exactly in the friend group at the time but partially was. My friends and I were always aware of his existence, but it wasn't until about a month ago that I actually had a conversation let alone the level of friendship we have now. It seems very strange to think back to a time where he wasn't part of our lives now that he has integrated himself into group chats, events, and inside jokes. And, the friend group that was established is nice and comfortable.
Yet, my favorite parts of the conversation with him are his intuitive abilities to pick up on "girl talk." On several occasions after becoming integrated into the group, he just happened to be in the room when my girl friends (friends who are girls) and I were beginning to talk about gossip and sometimes boy problems. And, after learning from the past, many times "girl talk" can go over a typical dude's head. While normally these topics of conversations would be avoided, this Casanova was actually following along, giving insight, and being extremely reasonable.
When my friends and I are talking about life, he would add little things and comments from his own male perspective in a respectful way. It was very interesting seeing this happen, but he reassures us that this is because he talks about these topics with his girlfriend. And, this made us feel very comfortable with him. He was a good listener. He was empathetic and understanding. Overall, he was a good person.
When we were also doubting ourselves as people, he was also there to reassure our actions in a humorous but encouraging way. Understanding that no girl or person is perfect, yet accepting those flaws definitely defines the perfect boyfriend. Fundamentally, someone who actually unbiasedly listens and pitches their ideas is immensely attractive. Any boy out there needs to take some tips. And, although it is a common cliche, typical stereotype of a sensitive, understanding boyfriend is still relevant in this situation — and any situation. Ultimately, I bet his girlfriend is a lucky lady to have him. It was really nice talks where we could gossip about people, others, or boy problems and have someone who could actually follow through.
He also texts back promptly. So, wow. Just. Wow. You other boys are slacking.