In today's day in age and for years before us there has been a double standard between males and females. We have assigned gender roles as to what jobs and activities we should be doing. I know we hear all the time about double standards for women, but do we really look at the double standards that have been set in place for men?
1. Men aren't supposed to have a feminine side.
Girls grow up all the time as a "tomboy" and act like just one of the guys. Let's flip that around and if a guy is into more "feminine" activities his masculinity is questioned. Shopping, dance, theater and things of that nature. I grew up hearing from my peers that those activities were for girls and boys who did them were "different". But, why? Some of the most talented ballet dancers and Broadway stars have been men and what is wrong with a guy enjoying going shopping for himself and dressing up and even accessorizing. If a girl can roll in the mud and no one bat an eye a boy should be able to go get a pedicure without others passing judgment.
2. Men should have body positivity as well.
We see all these fantastic women making incredible strides in promoting a healthy body image for young women across the nation. One thing I notice is we don't see that as much with men. Men are still the ones who seem to be pressured to have a six-pack and be ripped when that shouldn't be the case. Every person's body is built differently. So for the men who have a "dad bod" or are too skinny and don't have giant muscles , go and rock you. Your body is beautiful, society and the media do not dictate the real beauty.
3. Shedding tears
This is one of the biggest disconnects I feel between the two sexes. If a man cries he is weak and is being too emotional but for a woman, it is completely normal. It feels as if it's allowed for women and not men. No, just no. There is nothing wrong with a man who cries and feels his raw emotions. Being vulnerable is something every person has the right to be at times. Sharing these deep emotions with others doesn't make anyone less of a man. It makes them more of a man.
We have made great progress throughout time with the equality of male and females. We still have double standards but really only hear the double standards that are in place for women. This one is for the men, equality is for both genders and we can eradicate all double standards if we are conscious of our actions and support one another to the fullest.