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He Doesn't Miss You, He Misses What You Did

Don't fall into his "I miss you" trap.

He Doesn't Miss You, He Misses What You Did

It can be easy to throw a woman off when you hit her up with the meaningless, "I miss you" text. At first, we'll get giddy and excited that you miss us and think of us. Then, reality will settle in and we will realize that it is not us, you miss. It is not us, but it is the things that we did for you that you, in fact, miss.

Although it is nice to feel missed, it is also degrading. Especially if we truly know you and know exactly why you're hitting us up. When a specific male says those three famous words, the first thought to our minds is, "Wow, I miss you too. But why did it take you so long to suddenly miss me?" I'll tell you right now that he doesn't miss your bubbly personality. He doesn't miss your work ethic. He doesn't miss your laugh or the way you crinkle your nose unknowingly while concentrating. He doesn't miss the little things about you that make-up the person you are. The things he really misses are the things that he got away with not doing when you were around. For example, cooking, meal-prepping, laundry, mopping, making beds, being a personal chauffeur, your inability to say "no", and the list could go on. He misses having a woman around who resembles his mother in the ways that she provides for him, all the while acting nothing like his hardworking, appreciative, giving father. How fair is it really to miss someone for the way that they provided for you when you did one thing in five months to not even provide, but to show appreciation for them? How fair is it to be drunk texted, "I miss you" at midnight on a Sunday night before mid-terms? How fair is it that he gets to be taken care of, meanwhile you're left sitting in the mud waiting desperately to be taken care of and provided for? The thing about life is that it's not fair. These things aren't fair. But what's also unfair is the way he treated you like a doormat. The way that he saw nothing wrong with how he treated you. It's unfair that he thinks that he is so privileged as to come back into your life whenever he pleases.

I speak on behalf of a handful of women when I say that we want to be cherished. We want to be loved, appreciated, and cared for just as you care for your beloved guns or x-box. We want to be a priority. We want to be noticed. And if you can't notice us, care for us, or love us for who we are not just for what we do, then you have no right to be here. If it is too much to ask for you be present and to say "thank you" and mean it, then you're not worthy of the things we have to offer. Above all things, when men let us go, we don't want to be in a tangled mess of fishing line when you try to reel us back into your games for your own selfish needs. Once you let us go, let us go completely. Let us go and don't try to get us back because if you didn't appreciate us before, you certainly won't appreciate us in the future. Let us go so that we can find the right man beside our fathers to appreciate everything about us. From the way we talk in our sleep and snort when we laugh, all the way to the way we prepared meals for you all week and made your bed. We deserve more than someone who doesn't say "thank you" and who doesn't take the time to recognize all that we do. We are worth more than to be thought of as your housekeeper.

So, don't hit us up with the lame, "I miss you" texts. Because we won't respond anyway.

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