When you reflect back on your softball career, it may bring tears to your eyes when you realize that it's over, but here are some memories that will last a lifetime.
1. Your very first glove
Your glove may have been the pinked out Jennie Finch glove or even a Wilson or Rawlings. Either way, it probably had pink on it.
2. Your first pair of cleats
Just like your glove, your first pair of cleats may have had pink on them. If they weren't Mizuno, then they were Nike.
3. The field that you started your softball career on
Just driving by the park gives you many flashbacks of one of the happiest chapters in your life.
4. Softball cheers
Some may have been annoying to the other teams, but your team was the bomb at cheers. Your team could have so competed in a cheer competition!
5. Your first coaches
They were most likely guys. Either they were your dad or they acted like your dad, and if it wasn't your mom coaching, then it was your best friend's mom.
6. Your "first home run"
You felt on top of the world. This may have been the best feeling ever. You felt like a superstar!
7. Little League snacks after games
You knew that whoever's parents were in charge of snacks for that game, that they were going to be good. Even though you were the one that played hard, your parents or siblings tried stealing from your snack bag every single time.
8. Team Moms
They were always there for you when you didn't want to go to your mom. Their two main duties were to be a mom to fifteen girls and be in charge of team pizza parties. They were always awesome and like a second mom!
9. The feeling of making a great play
Even though it was a tough play, you made it look easy and you may have even acted like you've done it before.
10. Lining up after games
If you lost, you had a fit. If you won, you high-fived every single one of the girls on the other team. Oh yeah...if you didn't like someone from the other team you probably skipped their hand or hit it really hard.
11. Early mornings
Eight a.m. game time meant waking up at the crack of dawn and getting to the field before every team. You might have also warmed up with your eyes half way shut.
12. Places you got to experience
Whether it was cities away or states away, you had the awesome opportunity to see different parts of the world just by playing softball!
13. Friendships
We are girls and can get on each other's last nerve while we are on the field, but at the end of the day we are teammates. Some of these friendships may last a lifetime!
14. The umpires' calls
Most of the time they made the right calls but when a call was "close", someone was going to get mad. That someone was most likely a coach and the "you suck" from the stands didn't help at all nor did it change the call.
15. Game breaks
These game breaks meant that it was time for a nap and a quick snack. We always had to keep in mind that it was not time for a full course meal but rather a snack that would hold us off until the end of the next set of games.
16. Breakfast of champions
My dad would stop at the donut shop before weekend practices and tournaments just so my sister and I can have our "breakfast of champions". Our breakfast contained a ham and cheese croissant with chocolate milk and sometimes glazed donut holes!
17. Making all stars in little league
Hearing your name called out during closing ceremonies was something you will always remember. You had the opportunity to represent your little league and hometown. You earned it and you had so much fun playing against other little leagues making this an experience of a lifetime!
18. Having a crazy coach
This coach might have argued just about every call that went against your team. When it came to fighting for the girls, they did just about that.
19. Throwing your helmet
It looked bad but it has probably happened more than once thanks to the umpires bad calls or just striking out.
20. Succeeding at your favorite play
If your favorite play is like mine, it has to be a double play! This play is the absolute best and gives me the chills just thinking about it!
21. Playing while injured
From pulled hamstrings, sprained ankles, and throbbing arms, you played through the pain. At the end of the day, you proved to yourself and others that you had heart and that an injury was not going to stop you from playing the game you love.