So what really is the value of a memory? I am so thankful for memories. Memories allow me to reflect on moments of pure joy and excitement! Honestly, sometimes I start thinking about memories and I just burst out in laughter because of the thoughts in my head. Memories also allow me to look back on seasons in my life that hurt. You see the good thing about that is I can reflect on my growth. Every once in a while I need that self-encouragement of ‘You are okay. Look at how far you have come. Keep pushing forward.’ Memories allow me to do that.
Now, my best friend is a senior in high school and I know for a fact that she is so tired of me saying, “Enjoy this time. Soak up the moments. Make it a point to really enjoy this time in your life.” Although she may think I am a broken record that may not ever be fixed, I hope she knows my intentions are in the right place.
You see the moments are where our memories come from. That is where the beauty is! The hard times, the over the moon times, the growing times, the times of sorrow and sadness. Granted, there are certainly a few memories I wish I could forget. However, those hurtful memories cannot compare to the beautiful memories I have.
I love listening to individuals older than me talk about their memoires. The lessons they learned, the memories they would just rather not think about, the “oh my goodness why did I do that” memories. Their memories are filled with life and joy, with a shot of hardship and chaos. It is almost like I get a glimpse into what their world was like growing up through their lifetime of memories.
We all have our favorite memories we share with loved ones. The memories we just cannot stop laughing at no matter how many times we talk about them! Memories are a lovely gift. defines memories as: “the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts.” defines moments as: “an indefinitely short period of time.”
How can two words that are related to each other have such different definitions? I am so thankful for my precious memories. I am thankful for the moments that turn into memoires.
What do you prefer? Moments or Memories.