I think I always start these things with questioning why I am writing but I think I've figured it out. In Joshua 4 the Lord commands Joshua to bring stones out of the Jordan river and build a memorial to the miracle that God had just done. I find that writing these is a good memorial to what God has done in my life. I typically do this when something big in my life happens so I guess here we are again.
We leave for camp in 12 days 0 hours 4 minutes and 32 seconds as of the time I'm writing this. I'm excited. I've been counting down since last August. I get giddy when I know God is up to something big. I can feel it almost.
I recently celebrated 4 years of working in ministry at the church I grew up in and it's not a long time but for someone who never even considered ministry before working here, I choose to celebrate it. It's been so much fun and I cannot imagine doing anything else except for maybe a member of Dude Perfect. I'm grateful to be part of what God is doing.
I am also attending Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary this fall to pursue a degree in biblical studies. I'm actually excited for school for once! God is going to do something big in this and I'm thankful to play a small part.
I was also licensed into the ministry earlier this month which means I can do weddings, funerals, and baptisms. It's something I've always wanted to do but just never did for what ever reason. I'm proud of myself for accomplishing something like this but it couldn't have been me. Like I said, I never considered ministry so to do something like this is big to me.
To make a long story short, months ago God told me to start investing in the guys that I lead more. I had no idea what that looked like but I just wanted to be obedient. One of the ways I obeyed God is that I lead a small group of guys on Tuesday nights (shameless plug). We've been going through 2 Timothy and it's changing the way these young men interact with each other and how they lead. It's not a whole lot but progress over perfection is always the motto. My heart is overwhelmed at what God is doing through this obedience. We recently had a young man tell me that he had read his Bible everyday for a whole week and is eager to dig into the Word every morning now! I've gotten to see guys get connected with other guys they normally wouldn't talk to and now they hangout outside the church and are building a brotherhood centered around Christ. I could talk forever about this because it's what I'm most passionate about right now.
All of this isn't meant to brag about myself. I'm nothing. I'm just a human. I just have an incredible God who sovereignly orchestrates everything for His glory. I'm overwhelmed at His goodness and at His love for me and for people. I'm nothing but YHWH is everything. I love Him and He loves you. Much love and God bless.