Well it's that time of year again yes the time when we not only remember all of our fallen heroes but we also remember family and friends that have passed over the years.
The older I've gotten the more I've thought about some of my family members and friends that have passed. Lucky for me, I have a grandmother and mom that are awesome about telling me about the family members I never got to meet and let me tell you I would give anything to meet them.
But each year, one particular family member always comes to my mind because well I often get told how proud he would be of me and how my personality reminds people of him. My grandpa on my dad's side passed away a year before I was born and therefore I never got to meet him. So over the years, it's been difficult on some of the greatest days of my life because he wasn't there. High school graduation. First day of college. Getting 9th at FBLA Nationals. Endless basketball, volleyball, and softball games.
Now under no circumstances do I regret any time I've had with any of my other grandparents or any other relatives or friends that have passed because they all helped me become the person I am today but with them I don't feel like I was cheated time. I got to meet them and they got to meet me. I have a special thing I remember about each and every one of them and that's what keeps me happy, because of the time we shared.
But this is different because I didn't get time. I never heard his voice, never got to give him a hug, and never heard him tell me he loves me even though I know he does.
So as you can see Memorial Day is about so much more than BBQ's, swimming, and getting the day off work. Take the time to learn about all your past family members and friends because who knows you could be just like them or they could have been an American hero. But mostly remember that just because they are gone, they are never forgotten.
Have a safe and blessed holiday and God Bless America!