When I was five years old I was enrolled in St. Luke's School, which impacted my life drastically. I was the new girl because I did not attend Pre-Kindergarten there, and I had to intrude upon friendships that were already established a year prior to my enrollment. I quickly realized that because I was intelligent and a straight-A student, my grades would allow a smooth transition into school and making the Honor Roll became my obsession. I was "raised" in a Catholic School environment with strict teachers and lots of punishment, however the self-discipline and dedication to school that I learned will remain with me forever.
Being raised in the Catholic faith I adored going to mass every Sunday. Catholic school was the best because we prayed in class, had morning prayers, prayed before lunch, and prayed before we were dismissed. Holy days of obligation and feast days were the highlight of my years in school because not only did we spend over an hour in mass, but it was an excellent break from our rigorous schedule. A holy day of obligation is one of many holy days when a Catholic is required go to mass throughout the liturgical season, and these days include All Saint's Day on November 1st, Christmas, and (my favorite) the Feast of St. Luke on October 18. As a child, St. Luke's Day was a grand event where the church would be packed not only when we congregated in school, but at the Sunday mass numerous people would attend to celebrate our beloved parish.
As I grew older I became an active person, singing from the age of nine in the choir. I always dreaded singing on church days because I never enjoyed the attention that was brought to me, however I never realized the impact that singing had in my life until I stopped singing. The lifelong friendships that were created combined with the fact that my older sister sang in church on Sundays thrilled me. Another aspect of my faith that is the best memory of mine is partaking in the sacraments because of the preparation and anticipation leading up to the event. I recall how special it was to receive my First Holy Communion and Confirmation with my classmates who grew to become "The St. Lukes' Fam" as we often say. Going to Catholic school provided me with a safe haven living in the South Bronx and being surrounded by dangerous neighborhood. Unfortunately "The Place to Be" will close in June due to financial hardships that have been plaguing us for years after our Monsignor passed away. Every late night studying and lunch detention that was received has shaped me into the young woman I am today, and I owe that to SLS.