20. Shoop da whoop | The Odyssey Online
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21 Memes From The Early 2000s That Will Still Make You ROFLCOPTER

This isn't a Rick Roll, I promise.


Memes are everywhere nowadays. You cannot scroll through any social media without seeing the newest meme of the day. However, most of the younger generation no longer know the classics that started this whole new internet era. So, keep calm and read on.

1. Badger badger badger

There was no doubt you heard this so many times walking down the hall in school, then you always had that one kid screaming SNAKE on the other side.

2. Derp

The easiest way to let someone know they did something stupid.

3. Keyboard cat

There is no denying that Keyboard Cat's tune was a BOP.

4. Leave Brittney alone!

She did nothing wrong.

5. I Herd U Liek Mudkips


6. Leekspin

Anyone watch the 10 hour long version?

7. Trollface and the rest of the Rage comic family

You Mad Bro?

8. Nyan cat

The most annoying sound of our childhood.

9. Numa Numa

You had no choice but to do it along with him!

10. Star Wars kid

While the special affects that were added were A+, the original video is still gold.

11. Chocolate rain

Every time he breaths though.

12. All your base are belong to us

What started as a poor translation, become a wonderful meme.

13. Dramatic chipmunk

Much dramatic. So wow.

14. This is Sparta!

I watched a kid yell this before he started a fight.

15. What is love?

I still unconsciously do the head bob to the song.

16. Leeroy Jenkins

The ultimate battle cry.

17. Crazy frog

Just look at those moves.

18. Advice animals

Courage Wolf was always there for you when no one else was.

19. Charlie bit my finger

Ouch Charlie!

20. Shoop da whoop

What even was that thing?

21. The game 

You can never really win.

The early meme era was truly a wild time. I ain't even mad, bro.

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