Don't Get Used To Members Of The Trump Cabinet--They're Probably Not Here To Stay
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Don't Get Used To Members Of The Trump Cabinet--They're Probably Not Here To Stay

There is more in and out at the Trump White House than at your local Wawa.

Don't Get Used To Members Of The Trump Cabinet--They're Probably Not Here To Stay
White House

Since President Trump took office in January 2017, there has been nothing but people coming and going within his cabinet. The confusion of his administration has been comical, to say the least.

According to Vox, as of March 13, 2018, 27 people left the Trump cabinet and there have been just as many replacements. In fact, Trump’s turnover rate is at 34 percent, which is a modern record holder.

The Trump Presidency, however, is a daytime talk show’s dream, as there always seems to be hot topics. ABC’s "The View" is enjoying its first rise in ratings in three years, according to The Washington Times. All of the drama that gets daytime television talking could be linked to the fact that President Trump likes conflict and has said it himself.

According to the New York Times, President Trump said, “I like conflict.” This could be why Trump’s turnover rate is high. The NY Times also reported that “Trump’s presidency depends not on the team around him but on the instincts inside him. 43 percent of Mr. Trump’s most senior aides had left by last week.”

This, to me, sounds like either it is harder to work for Trump as president or no one can fit Trump’s vision of a perfect cabinet member. There are plenty of people who I am sure would want to work at The White House, in general, maybe just not for President Trump.

According to NPR, in addition to the departure of economic adviser Gary Cohn, Communications director Hope Hicks and Jared Kushner advisers Josh Raffel and Reed Cordish have all announced their departures while staff secretary Rob Porter was ousted after allegations of spousal abuse came to light.

NPR goes on to predict that the turnover will continue, as a lot of people are resigning or leaving. At this time of the administration, it may be just a continuous process with President Trump.

The president, to me, spends more time trying to fill positions than fixing the problems that plague our country, and therefore, in my opinion, nothing really changed since the day he took office.

In fact, President Trump has more controversy surrounding him than any other president.

That is most likely the other reason I can see no one lining up to be hired by President Trump is because of the scandal following him around everywhere he goes, and if someone is brave enough to be a part of his circle, they are risking their reputation and career.

Anyone who is willing to work for President Trump is doing it at their own risk.

As mentioned above, there is really no way of telling if the “revolving door” at the White House will stop or not. Since Trump likes conflict, it will most likely not.

On Friday, news broke that yet another change in the Trump Cabinet took place. CNN reported, National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster, had resigned and would be replaced by former US ambassador and Fox News analyst John Bolton.

This, along with other changes in the administration, was announced, of course, via tweets that Trump sent out overnight

Our president likes using social media a lot, in fact, Trump uses social media more than President Obama and with that, Trump finds himself involved in a lot of heat.

We, as Americans, just have to sit back and pray for the best, especially as President Trump prepares to meet with South Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. Let’s just hope that the cabinet positions are filled and will stay that way by the time that meeting happens.

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