As the Trump campaign moves forward to the November elections, its sheer motive to build a wall across the border between Mexico and the U.S. is what attracted supporters in the beginning months of the campaign. Illegal immigration is one of the campaign’s top priority, along with countless other priorities that have caused uproar through the nation.
Supporters of the campaign view illegal immigration as a burden to the country’s economy, security and diversity as a whole. As the majority of supporters consist of Caucasian conservatives, all supporters are being led through a campaign which condemns violence against anyone who opposes, and one that makes up false accusations and follows through what they believe is wrong instead of examining the factual evidence to support any of their absurd claims.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, is a Slovenian woman who, on record, came to the U.S. “legally” to work as a model using the H-1B visa in 1996 (though her statements were true for the fact that she arrived at the states on an H-1B visa back on 1996).
When modeling photographs of the potential first lady in NYC were revealed through the media, the scandalous photographs were known to have been taken back in 1995, the year prior to when Melania Trump obtained her H-1B visa which granted her access to work within the U.S.
As an interview conducted by MSNBC towards Melania Trump uncovers, Melania Trump declares she arrived in the U.S. legally by “following the law the way it's supposed to be," adding that she, “never thought to stay here without papers." Although Melania Trump followed the procedures of entering the country through a visa, her statement of “I travel every few months back to … Slovenia to stamp the visa” suggests that she started off with a B-2 (Tourist/Visitor) visa that limits visitors to only six months in the country and doesn’t provide permission to work within the U.S.
The statement said in the MSNBC interview with the inclusion of Melania Trump's modeling pictures that were taken in 1995, suggests that she arrived in New York City on a B-2 visa; and whilst she visited NYC, Melania Trump worked as a model for a french photographer named Alé de Basseville. Working as a model in NYC, while being allowed to enter the country with a B-2 visa, clearly violates the law and regulations of the B-2 visa, leading to suspect that Melania Trump committed visa fraud. The same issue Donald Trump is fighting against and magnifying in order to convince his audience that this is the real issue with America.
As the Trump campaign makes progress to the final months leading to the election, the audience proceeds to blindly follow a leader who lacks the courage to face his hypocrisy and tell his people the truth and a leader who indulges in spewing out lies about anyone who he sees as a threat to his Utopian success. This is an individual who shines light into the worst in people and their fears, someone who scares his way into the presidency, from blaming a religion to subjugating this country’s neighbor and untruthfully accusing the nation’s president of being a leader of the world's largest terrorist group (ISIS).