Mei-Ling Zhao is an infamous character in Blizzard’s hit game, "Overwatch." The lore behind her is that Mei is a climatologist that wants to help preserve the Earth for future generations, but one day while her and her team were in Antarctica, a terrible storm hit and left them stranded. The team decided the best thing to do was cryogenically freeze themselves. Alas, Mei remained frozen for several years. When she was unfrozen, she discovered that her friends and colleagues were all dead. And thus, she is called to rejoin and help "Overwatch." Mei has a very cheerful personality despite waking up to a tragic scene and is very nice to the other players, except Junkrat, in the pre-match-commentaries. She is also a master of puns, because who could ever get tired of hearing “a-Mei-zing”?
That all sounds nice, but the reason people hate her so much is because she’s too overpowered to be a defense character. Despite not having many offensive attacks, Mei makes up for it by slowing down and stopping enemies in their tracks and then lodging a high velocity icicles at people’s heads. Her defense is one of the best offenses in the game because she can keep people at bay, block off paths, and stay on an objective to heal for a few seconds without taking damaging. Let’s not forget her Ult, which has area of effect radius of 10 meters that can freeze you solid for a good four seconds. Mei can support her team for people with one-shot area of effect attacks that little have a small radius and secure the victory in a last-ditch-effort. There are many ways to get around Mei’s defenses, and they’re pretty simple. Just leave traps around her, and she’ll use up her abilities in a jiffy. She’s a really balanced character and can play the role of attacker and defender at the same time, which comes in handy for turrets and pesky snipers. Overall, people just need to get good and play as her a little more to understand how she works and that way you’ll learn how to counter her attacks.