one time i knew you
one time i didn't
and this time i do
we laid in my bed and i touched your face and told you that i think the black holes in your eyes are beautiful because they remind me of space and i wanted to be the one to cover the rip in your space time continuum with my thumb
one time i knew you
i knew you once when i was broken
you were an recovering addict
and i was a neglected child
i pulled on the bottom of your blue jeans and begged you to stay for awhile
i didn't know that you still got high then
and you didn't know that i needed someone to break my heart to make me whole
this is where the black began
and ended
one time i didn't know you
i looked up and saw nothing
the sunrise in the morning screamed your name and i begged it to shut the fuck up because you had slipped out of your jeans along time ago and i was holding on to worn out edges and holes too ripped to be acceptable
i forgot at that time that you were the one who introduced me to the moon
i was too busy being angry to notice she had blessed my skin with honey
and i was too sad to notice that maybe you did care but just couldn't tell me yet
this time i know you