An Appreciation for the Woman Behind ABC's Thursday Nights | The Odyssey Online
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An Appreciation for the Woman Behind ABC's Thursday Nights

Shonda Rhimes is taking more than just the TV world by storm.

An Appreciation for the Woman Behind ABC's Thursday Nights

We are living in a time where women are fighting to be seen as equal to their male counterparts. There never seems to be a lack of discrimination based on sex. But if your name is Shonda Rhimes, you are dominating the show business world with some killer feminine power. Shonda gave birth to some of ABC's hottest shows including Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Private Practice, and my most recent favorite, How to Get Away With Murder. Even though her seasons have ended, no one will ever get enough Shonda. In my recent found love of Ms. Rhimes I noticed how her characters live in an ideal society. Women tend to have strong leadership in her show, whether it be as a head lawyer, doctor, or politician. It doesn't end there, though. What I have come to love is that just because Olivia Pope may basically control what happens in D.C. politics does not mean that the men in her show are stupid, or just used as sex symbols. Often times, women are put in TV shows and movies just because they are pretty or have big boobs. Their character often has a lack, of well, character. But on Thursday nights on ABC viewers get to watch women dominate alongside of their male co-workers. In Grey's Anatomy for example, Dr. Richard Weber was the Chief of the surgical staff when the show first began. He was an awesome one, full of wisdom for his doctors and always setting a good example. Eventually, Miranda Bailey took over as Chief. At the same time that this very deserving women was getting the position she had dreamed about, her coworker Derek Shepherd was doing ground breaking neurological surgery. Shonda's set up of her characters exemplify what we, as the next generation in the workforce should strive for. Each of her characters has the credentials to be doing exactly what he or she is doing.

In case anyone needed more convincing on why Shonda Rhimes should be everyone's role model, I encourage you to read her book, "Year of Yes." Not only is she a kick ass TV producer, but she is hilarious and is really good at making fun of herself. Her biography was so unbelievably relatable. Rhimes tells how for years, at the beginning of her success, she never said yes to any big offer, like appearing on talk shows or award shows. After her sister called her out on it she began to try out what scared her the most. It was humbling to read how such a successful woman did not always love the person she saw in the mirror and sometimes required an extra push to get out of her comfort zone. An added bonus to reading her book was finding out Rhimes may be Beyoncé's biggest fan. Queen of Thursday night television loves Queen B.

Shonda Rhimes is more than a legendary producer. She embodies female power without even trying. If I can be half as successful and humble as her, I'll be in a good place. Thank you Shonda, for keeping my Thursday nights busy and giving me reasons to keep binge watching Netflix.

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