Since before the beginning of the semester it was a fact that my roommate and I were going to be fish parents at some point this year. The only obstacle in our way was moving in and waiting for the unsettling Maine heat to settle down. We didn't want our new fishy bois to boil!
At the beginning of this month, we decided it was time to get our new fish friends. After a trip to Petco to scope out our options and bringing home their what would become their new home, it was time to clear off the desks and set up the tank a few days in advance of introducing our fishie bois. It was at this point in time we began referring to them as our "fishie bois" because we knew that getting more smaller, colorful fish which would stay relatively small was the way to go. Our ultimate goal was to have a tank full of color and essentially a school of fish to watch over and take care of.
Kimberly Lawton
We ended up with a colorful selection of Glofish Tetras one yellow named Charlie (also known as Charles), a pink one named Darwin, an orange one named Lewis, and a blue one named Clark. Charlie is dually named after the character in "Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia" and as Charles as in Charles Darwin. This also explains why Darwin is Darwin. After a call to my dad, Lewis and Clark were named.
It seems as though historical names are our go-to for naming fish. My roommate's beta fish last year was named Ghengis Khan. It's definitely an interesting way to name a fish and a great source of comedy. We named our fishie bois after explorers and adventurers which oddly enough fit their initial perspective when first introduced to their new home.
My roommate and I are planning to get at least two more fish for the tank. We will see if the historical naming trend continues but either way we are very happy with our new fishie bois.