Meet The Odyssey Writer Jenn Castro | The Odyssey Online
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Meet The Odyssey Writer Jenn Castro

Behind all the orange.

Meet The Odyssey Writer Jenn Castro

Jenn Castro just might be the most spirited fan Syracuse has ever known. But did you know that she also has three majors, loves water-sports, and has a passion for Tom Brady? This week, I got to sit down with Jenn and got a view of the (awesome) person behind the (awesome) orange and blue zebra tights on game day. Check it out!

Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?

I would have to say both. When I meet someone for the first time, I’m super shy and quiet, but as I get to know them, I begin to get more and more comfortable around them and become very outgoing. At times, I love being by myself so that I can try to relax and recharge my batteries, but also love being around friends and family.

Who’s your role model?

Too many to name, but a few are my parents, grandparents, Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Brady, and Steph Curry.

What’s your favorite thing about your major?

LOL “major” turned into three majors. With marketing and advertising, I get to use my creative side and can also utilize my over-obsession to always make things look perfect. I love designing new things and being able to make a difference by creating something that is meaningful to a company, team, or specific product. With accounting, I get to focus a lot on math, which I’m really good at. The fast-paced environment of punching numbers into a calculator and analyzing companies is pretty cool to me and I love the flow of it. It’s a subject that will always be needed, so it’s great to know that there will always be job security.

Dream job?

Sportscaster on ESPN or a writer for Sports Illustrated/ESPN ….(which would lead you to ask why I’m studying marketing, advertising, and accounting and not doing broadcast journalism….clearly my life isn’t figured out yet.)

What’s your go-to stress reliever?

I would say going to sports games, which is my favorite thing to do, but that actually causes me more stress. So, I’d have to say Chipotle and going to country concerts as well as cuddling with my puppy.

If you could only eat three foods for the rest of your life what would they be?

Guacamole, french fries, and pasta.

Are you superstitious? If so, what are your weirdest superstitious acts you do?

I wouldn’t say I have many superstitions; however, I’d refer to them as OCD tendencies. Every time I get ready for a sports game, I listen to the same songs. I lace up my ankle braces a certain way and touch the inner part of my shoe/cleat where I wrote “Never Give Up #10.” I thought that if I didn’t always do these things, something bad would happen. For every softball game, I have to wear the same ribbon and Nike “confidence” bracelet on my wrist. I also have to get the same foods on the same day each week so I don’t mess up my routine. Strange, I know.

What’re you most proud of about yourself/what do you think is your best quality?

I give great advice and am an honest and genuine friend. I love doing things for others and putting them before myself. I also love that I’m so passionate about things, and I put my whole life into those things: sports, photography, and Syracuse to name a few.

Where’s your happy place?

My lake house in Maine. I spend a few days every week up there over the summer. The combination of going tubing, jet-skiing, wakeboarding, soaking up the sun, and having a bonfire/eating s’mores with friends and family is perfect for a relaxing day. Plus, the Maine LOBSTAH (yes I’m from Boston) is absolutely unreal.

This looks relaxing, right? (Yes, this is my cousins, brother, and I.)

This looks a little less hectic.

If you could teach the world one thing, what would it be?

To just be nice to people. It seems so easy but it’s not for some. There is so much hate and negativity in this world. I just wish people would realize that kindness is a virtue and it really goes a long way.

What do you get complimented on most often?

Currently, my school spirit, love for sports (Boston diehard sports fan FOREVER), and writing skills. It gets kind of annoying that these are sometimes the only things I’m recognized for, because I’m so much more than my obnoxious love for spirited Cuse leggings, shoes, and outfits, but I’ve learned to accept it. In high school, it was my talent on the softball field/my three-point shot and my ability to be a teammate who could make everyone feel comfortable and included.

Do you have a piece of jewelry you always wear?

I always wear the same eight earrings, my Claddagh ring, an Alex and Ani bracelet, and two orange and blue bracelets for Cuse. They have become a staple of mine.

Latest food discovery?

SUSHI aka the most delicious food in the entire world. Can’t get enough.

What is your favorite article you’ve written?

“A Thank You Letter To My Dog.” Love you little buddy.

It’s 2 a.m. after a night out, where do you go?

Kimmel dining center for the most amazing chicken tenders!

What do you miss most about home and how do you deal with it?

Too many things to name! I really miss my dog. He makes me so incredibly happy. I try to deal with it by having my mom send me pictures of him all the time but it’s so hard not being able to hug him or cuddle up next to him. I also miss my Jeep/having the freedom to drive, my wonderful friends/family, and home cooked meals/Boston sports games. I deal with missing my friends/fam by having long phone calls/texts with them. My mom and I can talk for hours on the phone.

What’s the biggest difference between college you and high school you?

Ooooh this is a tough one. Throughout high school, my life revolved around being a three-sport varsity athlete. Although I still play softball at Cuse, it’s so different. Here, I also went out of my comfort zone and joined a sorority, which is something I thought I’d never do. I’m from an extremely small town with a graduating class of 189, so coming to a school with 21,000 people was a big step.

Have you met anyone at Cuse who’s changed your life?

I wish. I’ve met many wonderful people who have inspired me, made me laugh, and made me happy, but none who have changed my life. That takes time. I’m hoping that I can soon say ‘yes’ to this question.

If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

You shouldn't have worked so hard and you should’ve had more fun. I blamed not having fun on always being so busy and having so much work to do. There needs to be a balance between work and fun. A lot of times, I didn’t have that.

Favorite TV show?

"Friends." Hands down.

Let’s get weird. What’s your weirdest:

Habit? Buying every piece of apparel from the Syracuse Bookstore...I would say it’s more of a problem than a habit (says my bank account and my stuffed drawers).

Food combo? Doritos in my grilled cheese (don’t knock it until you try it).


Thing you like to do by yourself: Watch Notre Dame Football on my computer while simultaneously watching Cuse Football away games (when they’re playing at the same time)….while wearing Cuse striped (orange and blue) pants, a Notre Dame sweatshirt, one orange/blue striped sock, and one green shamrock sock. Judge me. Proof on two different occasions (and yes, this is my dorm room):

Hidden talent? Painting OCD really kicks in and I need to make sure it looks perfect (it takes me hours but I love it).

If someone wrote a movie/book about you what would it be called? Trainwreck (not kidding).

Fav college memory thus far? Taking pictures with Trevor Cooney and Rakeem Christmas...or watching my two favorite football teams (Cuse and Notre Dame) play each other at MetLife Stadium

Hey Rak.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life which one would it be? This is far too difficult of a question….hmmm…. ‘This Is How We Roll’ by Florida Georgia Line & Luke three favorite people ever.

Pet peeves When 'Cuse basketball can’t make free throws/when 'Cuse Football can’t get in the damn end zone. You think I’m kidding. I’m not.

Most used social media? Twitter

What is your favorite/most used word? Least favorite?

Least favorite word: Manning. Either Peyton or Eli. No joke. Or, Rex Ryan. Or, Jameis Winston. Yes I realize these are two words. Get over it.

Favorite word: Tom Brady. (See ‘Least favorite word’ for rationale.)

Fav thing to spend money on? Food. Or shoes. Both.

If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do for the rest of your life?Travel to every football and basketball stadium in the US to see games as well as travel to Spain and Australia so I could find 42 P. Wallaby Way, Sydney ("Finding Nemo" reference if you didn’t get it).

Weirdest thing you have ever done?

My life is a series of weird events. However, one stands out, and that would be pouring orange paint on my entire body for a Syracuse school spirit photoshoot. Word of advice, never do that unless you want to be finding paint in your hair eight months later. Made for cool pictures in the country’s second best school newspaper though!

Worst injury you’ve ever had and how you got it. Concussions. The first one, I was blindsided by a 6’2” (I’m 5’) amazon aka basketball player. The details are fuzzy (LOL get it?).

Scariest thing you have ever done? Triple tubing/doing donuts behind my dad’s Malibu. Fun, yet incredibly frightening. Has to be illegal somewhere. Pretty sure it is.

Top two fun facts everyone should know about you:

  1. My dorm room has absolutely no white space on the walls because every inch is filled with Syracuse/Boston sports/country music posters, pictures, and flags.
  2. I’m fluent in English and sarcasm.
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