This is Birdie, is my oldest cat. She is about 4 years old now. A family member found her and her brother in the bushes by her house. I was begging my mom for a cat, so we got her!
Birdiepersonal photo
Buni is my cat! She is so precious. My stepdad found her on some property he was cleaning up to sell. He said she would follow him around begging for food. She was still a tiny kitten and lost her mother. He had the heart to pick her up and bring her home to me! She loves to lick my face and sit in my lap whenever she can. I have to say that she's my favorite.
Bunipersonal photo
Sarah is an absolute sweetheart! She loves being petted and she has the cutest little "meow" sounds when she's happy. Her mother was a stray and left her to our care. Sarah used to be as wild as a little squirrel but now we can't get her out of bed.
Sarahpersonal photo
Pumpkin is our orange, long-haired cat! It was so cool because we actually got to see her being born! It was my sister's cat's baby. She wasn't able to keep her, and no one else wanted her, so we decided to take her. She is a little sweetheart and she loves to cuddle!
Pumpkinpersonal photo
Jill is one of our younger babies. She's a tabby, and we believe she might be somehow related to Sarah. My stepdad and uncle were driving down the road in the snow and heard soft kitten cries. They stopped and brought her home. She has a similar look to Sarah, so we think maybe the mother cat had another litter in our neighborhood.
Jill personal photo
Poppy is a sweet girl. I love her precious little face. My parents have been renovating a house to sell for almost five months now! They found her there and she was starving. We took her in and we tried to find her a new home, but no one wanted her. But we love her nonetheless!
Poppy personal photo
Phoebe is also from the renovated home. We believe that she is the mother of Poppy. She is a calico and she looks very similar to Buni! She was skin and bones when we first brought her home. Now she eats like there's no tomorrow! We love her golden "jewel" eyes.
Phoebepersonal photo
I absolutely adore all seven of my kitties! I love sharing all of their stories because they mean so much to me and my family. There are so many homeless cats out there. These cats that have joined my family are some of the lucky ones.
A lot of people say, "adopt, don't shop," and I support that 100%! The very least that people can do is to have their pets spayed or neutered. There are many places that help the public pay for these services and it helps tremendously with the costs. There is also a program that allows people, at little to no cost, to trap feral cats and have them spayed, neutered, and then be re-released. Having your cats spayed neutered helps keep the homeless population down and shelters from overcrowding.