When was the last time you were actually nervous about what your pastor was preaching about? When was the last time you actually felt convicted by a sermon or message? Do you actively seek forgiveness and repentance of your sins?
Over this previous week, I have been asking myself these questions. In a world where terrorism, immorality and idolatry are the norm, the American Church must stand together and respond with strength. On the news you see political talking heads speak of the "heart of America" and how it is deteriorating quicker each passing day. How might we fix the "heart of America?" I believe it starts every Sunday morning at approximately 10 a.m.
Acts 2:41-47 describes a few characteristics of the early church. They devoted themselves to prayer, the teaching of the apostles and shared meals together. If you're like me, I can almost guarantee that by the middle of week, you can't remember what your pastor that Sunday had preached about. Over the past few months, I have felt convicted to set aside time each day to the studying of God's word. At first, I would spend maybe 15 minutes a day. Now I am spending around 30 minutes each day speaking to God and reading the Bible. I am not saying this to brag; I am saying this to communicate to you that it can be done. I am far from the perfect Christian, but God is doing marvelous things in my life since I have spent more time in His word.
At church, we seem to be more caught up in what coffee is being served, the cool videos they play in between songs or the flashy lights that distract you from exactly the reason why we go to church in the first place: to see other believers and be in communion with them.
Being a "good" Christian does not stop at after church. It is a daily walk of faith and reliance on a God that does not need you. God existed before man and could exist without man. Yet, in His provision, He reaches down to us and asks us to glorify Him for eternity.
Our pastor's sermons should make us uncomfortable. They should challenge you to be better than you were yesterday. They should remind us that we need a God and a savior. Because let's face it, without Jesus we are nothing.