Do you ever have a friend you just brag about all the time, who is just so good at what he or
she does that you can’t help but to brag on them? Well, I have those. In fact, I
have 12 of those. Throwing it back to the real Pitch Perfect, the
University of Kentucky has an insane female a cappella group, singing Beyonce,
Alicia Keys, and even some Taylor Swift. Coming up in February, we will be
participating in the ICCA’s -- the exact same competition from Pitch
Perfect -- and we have already made a big splash around campus.
Since I love to brag on all of my friends
so much, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce you to all of them,
especially since we are approaching our public relations week, and
because we just got done with our first photo shoot. Be on the lookout for Paws
and Listen and, who knows, maybe at the next concert we will be pulling you up on stage to serenade you!
If you were wondering about these
gorgeous photos, Hannah Davis is the one who is responsible for them. She completes our alto two section, and solos on the song "Titanium." She majors
in arts administration and mass communications and her
specialty is photography. This
girl is not only my dear friend and fellow Paws Girl, she is also my sister!
There are two Alpha Gamma Deltas in the top 15 female vocalists in
the school.
Coach Lydia Doggett is a senior at UK and she has done all but jump through hoops to whip us into shape for this year. Doggett, in her high Disney princess-like voice sings soprano one, and solos in Ariana Grande’s song, “The Way,” which she composed as a mash-up with Emeli Sande’s, “Next To Me.” You can frequently find Doggett singing Disney songs and bringing them to rehearsal to sing as warm-ups.
Amelia Wilson is our resident ballerina and model. She has participated in several photoshoots at the request of our photographer and, like Doggett, this girl could not take a bad photo. Amelia studies music at UK and adds great input to the music, as well as experienced input for the choreography. Though she is quiet, you must see her dance. Whenever I fumble and feel like a slab of awkward on legs, I look to Amelia who is the epitome of poise.
Hayley Hansen, although not pictured, I can’t think of a single Snapchat story of mine in which she has not been featured. Hansen belts out the high notes without even trying. Any time an upper harmony is needed, she is there and needs zero help learning it. Hansen is also a senior, and you will someday see her reporting live and putting her journalism career to use. Other notable facts -- she is a subscriber to the Salami of the month club, and is our resident make-up artist with a great eye for style and the Naked Palette.
Carrie Arrastia is our resident bass, alto, soprano, or whatever you could need with a range from the lowest lows to decently high highs. She is a sophomore, and we had no trouble reminding her last year that she was a freshman. Arrastia is a great partner in crime, and her Halloween costume got her national recognition when she and another Paws and Listen girl dressed up as Chacos. Chacos immediately contacted them and awarded them with free swag and, let me tell you, they killed it in those costumes.
Emily Evans (not pictured) can be counted on to drink milkshakes and watch movies with us at all hours of the night. She studies music at UK and you can hear her Puerto Rican accent when she sings. She came to UK from Georgia and she is replacing Arrastia as our new freshman! She has learned the words to, “My Old Kentucky Home,” and has been singing them with pride. You can also find Emily making her own clothing and looking hella good in them.
Maggie Smith is our social media queen! She handles all of our accounts, and also the AcoUstiKats fan page, “The AcoUstiKittens.” She is an active member on campus, being the president of the UK Women’s Choir and a double major in music education and vocal performance. Smith has helped our group grow in many ways, and also can do the sick rap at the end of Taylor Swift’s, “Shake it Off.”
Whitney McWhorter is the best person you could ever bring shopping with you. She has a great sense of style and a warm personality. Whitney and I are partners in crime because we both got into Paws and Listen at the same time; and you can find her soloing in the song, "Titanium," and also some other songs that we are breaking out for the first time. McWhorter studies elementary education at UK and has a great presence in the world of musical theatre.
Hannah Hatter is rarely seen without an infectious smile on her face. She has been in Paws and Listen her entire college career, and is also a second-generation Paws girl, preceded by her older sister. Hatter can typically be seen in outdoor settings and never without a group of friends who adore her. Her dog, Lola, has also attended quite a few Paws and Listen events. Hatter also has great skills in beatboxing and can be seen doing our serenades!
For the first time in Paws and Listen, we have a beatboxer! Sammy Petitte has been beatboxing since she was 13 years old, however, she didn’t show it off because people said it was annoying. In Paws and Listen, we constantly show her off and insist that she show us all of the new stuff she has working on. She freely volunteers the information that she is 4' 11" tall, but you would be so surprised to learn how much soul, talent, and friendship comes in such a small package.
Aria Watkins is also one of our new girls in Paws. She sings alto two, and helps the group hold down the low notes. She is a second-generation Paws member, and also actively involved in a service fraternity. In her spare time you can find watkins with her family and her two year-old nephew and, in a perfect world, devouring a mountain of cookies.
There are so many things I could say about Lydia Slayden, but I think that the entire group would agree with me when I say that she is the one who keeps everyone grounded, while encouraging us to dream sky-high. There is never a place where Paws and Listen goes where Slayden does not have a friend or know someone. She killed us last year by surprising us with her beatboxing skills and brought tears to many eyes when she sang the solo in Alicia Keys’, “Girl On Fire.”
And finally, there is me, Samantha Raiff. I sing soprano two. Paws and Listen has, quite easily, become the biggest blessing in my life, other than my dog, Dante. When I am not at Paws, you can find me singing covers and writing songs for my duo, Sam and Tay (here) and coaching my sisters in Alpha Gamma Delta for any event where singing is needed.
Paws and Listen has really taken off, and we thought we would give Odyssey readers the first look at what is coming for the year. Now that you have met us all, it is very important that you come check us out in person! We are in the middle of re-vamping all forms of social media so we will have even more on the way! For now, follow us on Instagram @ukpawsandlisten. Sunday, Nov. 9th to Nov. 15th, we will have our PR week and show you why it is amazing to be in Paws and Listen!