I think I speak for us all when I say that seeing service dogs in training around campus makes our day a little easier! While they are "saving" our days of long classes, endless exams, and hiking around campus by making us smile, they are preparing for a life of saving their future owners lives as service dogs!
Introducing *some of* Four Paws For Ability's service dogs in training!
Meet Razzles!
This cutie spends lots of her days in the Chem Phys and Bio building with her foster, Amanda Jacob. When she isn't hitting the books, she loves to play with her green ball and spend time with her honorary Alpha Phi sisters!
Meet Torque!
This peanut butter loving 8-month-old loves joining his foster, Emily Horn, at Mary Todd Elementary with her kindergarden practicum class! When the weather is chilly, he loves playing in the snow! As far as his toys? His set of keys are his favorite!
Meet Arwin!
When this little girl isn't jamming out in guitar class with her foster, Gabrielle Cassity, she is dying to play fetch with her favorite squeaky bone! She has discovered her love of playing in the snow (and eating it) these past couple of snow days! At the end of a long day, and maybe after her favorite special snack of peanut butter, she loves to curl up and cuddle!
Meet Zen!
This hyper boy (despite his name) can often be found begging his foster, Caroline Pitts, for, you guessed it — a Beggin Strip! When he has some free time, he loves to play with his fellow four paws buddies! After a "ruff" day, he is very serious about catching up on some beauty sleep!
Meet Prose!
This sporty 5-month-old loves to play on the campus tennis courts! When she isn't on the courts, she spends lots of time in the Biomotion Laboratory (she is an honorary member) with her foster, Catie Garcia!
Meet Maurice!
I'm sure when you see this guy around campus, you really just wanna snuggle him! Well, you're in luck! Maurice's favorite thing to do is snuggle, and can often be found laying on his foster, Aly Buchanan's lap!Meet Coffee!
What a fitting name for this honorary Starbucks barista?! Although he is only 7 months old, he loves to learn new tricks! This top dog loves when his foster, Victoria Shisler, takes him to play on the tennis courts with his other puppy friends! Win over his heart with a nice belly rub and a tennis ball!
Meet Ipaq!
You may have seen this guy around the arboretum (his favorite place to play) or having his weekly play date with his best 4 Paws buddy, Prose! He loves when his foster, Alyson Kline, takes him to hangout with the Kentucky Rangers in the Ranger den in the Armory! This dog LOVES being a Wildcat!
Meet Macys!
Pictured above is Macys with her best 4 Paws pal Maurice — can you say puppy love?! When she is at home with her foster, Jacob Young, she is always hoping for her favorite treat (a hot dog) or playing with her favorite toy keys!
Meet Tiffanys!
Forget diamonds! Princess Tiffanys is definitely a girl's best friend! She is the queen of the tennis courts when her foster, Arianna Scaptura, takes her to play fetch! Keep an eye out for this royal dog on campus!
Meet Robin!
This honorary UK dive team member has made a huge splash on campus! Kentucky's snowy weather has been perfect for this snow dog! Along with being a UK diving fan, he loves UK basketball! His favorite basketball player is Alex Poythress and he loves seeing him when he joins his foster, Taylor Melton, at physical therapy! Keep an eye out for Robin, AKA Robbie, along with his 2 brothers, Maurice and Barry, on campus!
Meet Necco!
If you wanna be this Dance Blue dog's best friend? Treat him to a belly rub and a snack and the position is yours! He has his lazy days, but when given the chance, he is always up to play! He loves when his foster, Heidi Vollrath, takes him to the Kentucky Clinic Starbucks because he gets endless amounts of attention!
Meet Reese's!
When this 5-month-old isn't on the tennis courts, you can probably find her chasing her tail or begging her foster, Shelby Clark, for a Pupperoni snack! This future service dog can always be found with her pink wishbone toy right by her side!
Meet Spankey!
Spankey the Puppion, who also answers to Sir Spanksalot, has been braving the Kentucky weather in style these past few snow days! After a chilly day, he spends his time cuddling (his favorite thing to do). He also loves when his foster, Ethan Cardwell, tosses him his mini tennis balls for some play time!
Meet Fava!
You may see this sweet thing often rolling around outside and getting dirty, but not to worry — this honorary Delta Gamma loves to play in water when she gets home!! When it is time to rest, she takes up her favorite arm chair to herself! To top off a long day, she loves when her foster, Shelby Detring, puts peanut butter in her favorite toy for a yummy treat!
Make sure to say "hi" to these sweet faces around campus, but be sure to ask for permission before you give them a nice belly rub!