Meet The Cast Of "Lie To Me"
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Meet The Cast Of "Lie To Me"

A show that ended too soon, but still holds the title of FOX's best drama.

Meet The Cast Of "Lie To Me"

It may have ended in 2011 after three short seasons, but FOX's "Lie to Me" is still one of my all-time favorite shows. While "Friends" and "Parks and Recreation" tend to have a lighthearted feel to them, "Lie to Me' is totally different, taking you on a journey with a team of four behavioral experts who specialize in spotting lies through microexpressions. The team, named The Lightman Group after leader Cal Lightman, is based on real-life deception expert Dr. Paul Ekman. While the show tends to get dark, it's a show you definitely should watch if you're into psychology. Let's meet the characters.

Cal Lightman

Lightman is the boss of the group. He wrote a book called "The Lies We Tell," that explains the science of what he does for a living. Lightman is brash, crass, rude, and bold, but has a soft spot for those he loves. He doesn't hesitate to call out lies when he sees them, much to the detriment of his family life and time with his coworkers. Although his leadership style and work ethic can be incredibly hard to work around, he has the respect of everyone he hires because of his brilliance at his craft. Not only that, but he's so fallibly human, which leads to some blunders along the way.

Gillian Foster

Foster is Lightman's business partner and his best friend. She met Lightman while they both worked at the Pentagon and she was his therapist. While Lightman tends to focus on identifying the lies, Foster focuses on the why. She's detail-oriented, sympathetic, strict, careful, and kind to those around her. She never fails to put Lightman in his place, and she's the only person in Lightman's work environment who is allowed to call him Cal. Their skill sets truly compliment one another, as Foster repeatedly demonstrates that her psychological background is invaluable to understanding the world around her - and her own erratic partner's weird habits.

Eli Loker


Loker is the head researcher of the firm and an employer of what he calls "radical honesty" - telling the whole truth no matter what time and/or place it is. Loker is not a field man, but his competency with computers and the internet is completely unmatched; when you're looking to dig up dirt on someone, you call him and he will have it. Loker is neurotic, obsessive, awkward, funny, and nerdy, but you can't help but love everything about him as he constantly counters Lightman's offhanded half-insults. He's also the most dedicated friend on the team; when Loker has your back, you never have to worry about being alone.

Ria Torres

A former TSA baggage screener, Torres was hired by Lightman and Foster after she received 97 percent on a deception test that Lightman created himself. She's basically a natural, much to Lightman's chagrin; while he spent 20 plus years learning this science, she possesses it totally on her own. Her skill does need some tweaking though, and we watch it develop as she goes from insecure baggage handler to unmatched deception expert. She's tough, witty, strong, and the apple of Loker's eye. Ideally, someday she will break away from Lightman and start her own firm. She brings a bit of sass to the group and is able to put off any attacks that are thrown her way.

Ben Reynolds

An FBI agent who is unwillingly embedded into the group, Reynolds is the muscle behind the group's brains. While the group is able to police through intelligence, Reynolds does the dirty work of bringing in people when needed. He's the gray area between legality and illegality when needed; he often reminds Lightman what he can and cannot do. Reynolds is sensible, smart, cunning, and blunt. Although he is only around for season two, his character gives the group the legal justification it needs for some of their bigger, more controversial cases.

And now, for the two minor characters.....

Zoe Landau, Lightman's ex-wife

Landau is the only person besides Foster who is able to get through to him. While Lightman frequently exhibits hostility towards her, he always ends up listening to her because of her legal background and ability to word her thoughts. They make an awesome team. Landau is beautiful and incredibly smart; she's depicted as one of the best lawyers in D.C. and Virginia combined. Her and Lightman have gotten out of quite a few pickles together, and the fun never ends when they are in the same room.

Emily Lightman, Cal's daughter

The teen daughter of Cal and Zoe, Emily is the biggest part of Cal's life and the biggest worry he has. She's your normal teenage girl but with a twist - she has been taught some of her father's skills and is able to read people better with each passing year. Emily brings some comedy to the show, especially when she and Lightman are together, because of their trivial father-daughter arguments. Emily is friendly, sweet, cunning, and way too intelligent for her age. You can usually find her with her boyfriend -- much to Lightman's horror -- or riding around with a friend, who Lightman usually forgets the name of.

"Lie to Me" can be streamed in full on both Amazon Prime and Netflix, and is available on DVD.

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