How do you know that your new puppy is destined for Instagram fame? Well, according to Julie Doan, aka CorgiMom,
"How can you have a corgi and not show everyone??"
It's that kind of boisterous happiness that's so apparent on her five-month-old Corgi puppy, Butters', Instagram page (if you haven't seen it, you're missing out!) Butters is living the doggy dream showing off his impressive napping skills and defeating vacuum cleaners all while looking impossibly cute.
I was able to sit down with Julie, a student at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, to discuss what it's like to take pictures of your dog for the Internet and her secret to taking the perfect Insta-pic.
Nicknames: Butt, Booger, Loaf
Age: Almost 5 months
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Hometown: Kinzers, PA
Why did you decide to get a dog?
I’ve been asking to get a dog for years. I showed them Corgi pictures at dinner every time I was home…they eventually caved in.
Butters is so photogenic! What's your secret?
Take LOTS of pictures. The burst feature is my best friend. Homeboy can’t sit still for his life.
How often do you upload on Instagram?
I honestly would have a lot more pictures of Butters up if he learned to sit still!
What do you use to edit your pics?
Is Butters on other social media?
My snapchat! It's basically all Butters, I might as well change my snapchat name to Butters.
And I couldn't resist finding out more about Butters! Like, can I take him home please?
Butters is so tiny! Is he going to get bigger?
He will be almost 30 lbs when he is full grown!
Best friend:He thinks the dog next door is his girlfriend, but she is having none of it.
Favorite food: Anything the family drops on the floor…even veggies!
Favorite toy: Anything that squeaks.
Play time or nap time? BOTH.
Sassy or sweet personality? Butters is the sass master.
Three words that describe Butters: friendly, fuzzy, loaf
Favorite place to snuggle: Next to ma or on top of an air vent.
You could mistake Butters for: A loaf of bread.
Naughtiest habit: He just wants to chew on everything.
Best physical feature: Dat booty tho.
Butters is scared of: Every inanimate object.
He never leaves the house without: His blue monster collar.
Superpower: The power to get anyone and everyone to pet him.
Dream job: Taste testing dog treats.
Does Butters do any tricks? We’re still working on it…he gets a bit too excited when we use treats.
Typical day routine?
-Wake up
-Eat breakfast, pee, poo
-Chase grandma’s car down the driveway
- Sleep
-Eat lunch
-Go on a walk/run with ma, pee, poo
-Beg the fam for food at the dinner table while they eat
-Eat dinner, pee, poo
Best selfie:
"Omg mom, you're like totally embarrassing me."
What can we expect to see from Butters in the future?
More pictures, more tricks and more booty!
You can get your Butters fix on Instagram by following @buttersthecorgiloaf and Julie at @juriedoanut.
***Odyssey is not responsible for any heart attacks brought on by the supreme cuteness***