He’s that person you know who’s a movie genius, who rolls off quotes and behind-the-scenes facts from basically any film released since before your parents we born. He’s that goofy kid, who’s not afraid to dance and sing at any moment out of just a love for fun.
When I think about Brendan, those are the parts of him that I can’t help but be absolutely jealous and proud of, but there’s so much more to my cousin that makes him incredibly special.
Brendan Higgins is a 21-year-old from Huntington, New York, and he was born with Down syndrome. When we were little, Brendan would do anything to get his hands on a new DVD or take a trip to the movies just to see the upcoming trailers. To this day, I’ve never seen anyone with more enthusiasm for the previews than him. This love for television and film has stayed with him his whole life.
So about a year and a half ago, Bren went from filling journals with his clever movie jokes and reviews to running his own movie blog, “http://moviesnerd.weebly.com.” Nothing makes him happier than having a voice on what he knows best through his blog (shoot him a comment; you’ll make his day).
When he’s not delving into the newest feature film, Brendan competes as a Special Olympic athlete. Between soccer, floor hockey, and swimming, he pretty much defies the low muscle tone component of Down syndrome. Just watch him do a couple one-handed pushups or tackle Nantucket waves; he’d be more than happy to show you. His energy is unlimited, and it’s one of the reasons why people are so drawn to him.
Because he lives in Huntington, I only see Brendan on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and summer vacations on Nantucket, where he works at the Dreamland Movie Theater. Come November, Brendan carefully combs his hair, dresses like an absolute stud, and is the first to volunteer to say grace before dinner. Once during our annual Christmas Eve, Olympic-style grab bag rolls around, Brendan is famous for eyeing the DVD-shaped boxes, and his excitement only grows with each movie he receives (it’s adorable). By the time we’re in Nantucket, he’s pumping up for his daily shift at the Dreamland with intense rounds of badminton. And no matter what wacky family drama takes place throughout these moments, Brendan’s always there with laughter and positivity.
If you thought Bren couldn’t get any cuter, you were so wrong. For the past eight years, Brendan has been dating Meghan Latini, who also has Downs. The two grew up together, participating on the same soccer team and the theater program at Huntington High School. As their high school years came to a close, Brendan and Meghan were voted Prom King and Queen by their senior class.
Together, the pair are bona fide Huntington celebrities with quite a bundle of personality and dance moves.
So, as I sat here fan-girling over my cousin’s highlight reel, I realized that the true, remarkable qualities which characterize him are ones that can be seen with just one simple conversation with him. He’s a conversationalist, so he’ll want to hear all about your day. He’ll make you smile. He’ll leave you laughing endlessly, probably with some sarcastic humor or a "Seinfeld" quote. He’ll throw you a compliment. He’ll make your day, however he can.
With each joke, trip to the movies and family vacation, I see more and more how blessed I am to have him in my life, and I am so thankful to have him as a role model.