I have met some great people in high school and those people have become family to me; that will never change. When they say "wait until you get to college, that's where you meet the best people" they are right. College is a time to discover who you are and I can't think of a better way to meet different types of people than college because everyone is going through the same thing.
My freshman year, I lived in a dorm building that was all freshman. I was meeting people from other cities, states, and countries who all felt a little scared, lost, and excited all at once. While it was great to meet people from around the building, there was also a large community of FGCU students on Tumblr looking for friends.
I decided to take a chance and meet up with a girl and we talked for hours. We just clicked and we are still friends, even though we don't talk as much (If you're reading this, I miss you). Remember when you were little and your parents would tell you not to talk to strangers online? That worked out great, HA.
Throughout my college years, I made friends through other friends, from my classes, from being roommates, or just from eating at Taco Bell on campus (Tacos do make the world go 'round). Even though we have all graduated and are busier with work and life in general, we know we still care for each other.
I may not get to keep in contact with everyone all the time, but there's that mutual understanding that we're still there for one another. And when we do talk, it's like nothing has changed.
I recently went to my best friend's wedding, whom I was her bridesmaid, and it hit me that I was sharing that special day with someone I met in college. Here I was, years later, post grad, watching one of my best friends get married. And my other friend, her other bridesmaid, was someone else we went to college with too! And my plus one, who has been one of my greatest friends, I also met in one of my college classes. It was such a great reunion and it made me appreciate the friendship more.
I'm thankful that FGCU brought us together and I'm so happy to have met the people I have. To all my other friends, you know who are. You all mean so much to me.