Many people struggle with mental illness, but you never hear from them what it is like. You only hear what scientists and doctors tell you it is like. I’m going to tell you now: there’s more to the mental illness than just the symptoms. I have previously been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and now I have been diagnosed as bipolar. This will bring me to my first point.
1. Not All Mental Illness is the Same
People tend to group anxiety, depression and bipolar all into the same category. But they are as different as they are from other diseases such as ADD and even schizophrenia. Just because you have one of these does not mean you have all of these. You can be depressed without being anxious and anxious without being depressed. That being said, you can have all of them as well, like me. Mental illness does not discriminate. This means that even if it is not diagnosed yet that does not mean it does not exist. Bringing me to my next point.
2. Do Not Downsize Mental Illness
This in my experience was one of the worst things to deal with when I was growing up. When I was little, and to this day. I get anxious almost every time I have to do something that I am nervous about or not fond of. As a result of that I get anxious and my anxiety causes me to ralph. Almost every morning this would happen to me before school, it still happens to me before work and it will most likely continue for a long time for I have not found means to control it yet. I was not diagnosed with anything until my freshman year of high school. I had been throwing up my whole life and I also started to self harm during my middle school days. I was told it was a phase, it was my hormones, it would pass. I always knew it wouldn’t but no one understood because you can’t see it. If someone is trying to get help, even if they are not diagnosed yet I see too often people putting them down, telling them they’re doing it for the attention. It is not true. If someone is reaching out, whether it be a cry for help through self harm or in other ways, do not belittle them. Listen to them, because mental illness is not something to take lightly. Sadly there is an ugly opposite to taking mental health too lately, and that is taking it too harshly.
3. Do Not Be Harsh Toward Mental Illness
Many people know not to take mental illness lightly, but there is a line that can be crossed where you become too harsh on people with mental illness. Do not assume that if someone is worked up it is because of their depression, or a mood swing because they are bipolar. People are capable of having bad days and being upset without it being caused by their illness. My least favorite thing to be asked when I am upset or even extremely happy is “did you take your meds today?” When I am asked that, I instantly become embarrassed. Don’t ask them what they’re feeling today or if they think they are going to have a good or bad day that day. Concern is warranted for people with mental illness, but be careful to not cross the line into overbearing for that can just make the person suffering even more uncomfortable with him or herself.
Mental illness is not something to be taken lightly, or too harshly. It is something to be aware of and looked after. Mental illness is not a joke and it is best not to treat it in such a way. If you know someone suffering from mental illness be a friend, a confidant or just be aware and respectful as you would any other disease. If you yourself are suffering from mental illness, it is not the end of the world, it is possible to overcome and you can do it.