Meditation is when you train your mind to broaden and think outside the box or to think of everyday things. The goal is to feel relax and calm when done. Mediation for college students could be helpful because of the classes, school work, and the active social lives that college students have.
Meditation is sitting Indian style and just letting your mind wander-- to think about anything and everything. It's a relaxation technique that is used to promote a healthy mind. College students become stressed, and by Thanksgiving break, most of them are just happy for a break in classes to possible catch up on schoolwork or to just not have to do anything for a couple days. Meditation could be the mindful practice of sitting down in a quiet place and just shutting the mind down for a couple hours or a even a couple minutes at a time.
Meditation is a peaceful and restful habit that could benefit many college students. Meditation has helped me through a couple rough patches between work and school and trying to maintain a social life that is not crazily busy. I take a couple hours a night before bed to just unwind-- to let my mind roam and be uncaged from a stressful day of thinking and trying to stay on task. Sometimes it is helpful before stressful events or classes to just unwind, even if it's just a couple minutes that you have free. Take a moment now and just let your mind rest.
I know it may sound silly but sometimes all you need is to meditate before a scary test or painful memory you must revisit-- it could even be before that class that you cannot stand that you must take. You may never know just how helpful it is unless you try it out for yourself.
Happy Meditating!