Most of us are well into our Spring semester. Deadlines have us scrambling and obligations (you had no idea existed) are piling up. You had a bowl of ice cream for dinner because you had to stay up all night writing that term paper (even though the term just started), and it seems as if your days and nights are just not long enough.
Even through all this chaos, it's important to do one simple task.
Yes, pause.
It might seem a bit mad or rather foolish. You might even be thinking to yourself, "does that even fit into my schedule?"
No matter where you are in life or what you have on your to-do list, we all deserve a little bit more self-love and self-care.
You don't even have to take several minutes out of your day to practice this. All you need is a quick moment to reflect and redirect. It's important to remind ourselves that we are humans and not machines. We owe it to ourselves to not only take care of our body, but our mind too.
So, watch those silly Facebook videos your aunt's best friend posts all the time. Go for a quick coffee break with your favorite book in hand. Take a stroll around campus or the office. Play that funky word search game you have on your phone. Maybe even check in with a friend or family member.
But most of all, breathe.
You are human.
It's time to put a pause in this go, go, go mentality. We as a society that has come accustomed to all work and no play, and it is time to shift out of that focus. I challenge you to question and enforce a lifestyle of balance. Life is too short to let the good moments slip by.
Be present and always seek harmony for yourself. After all, you are the boss of your own life.