Meditation has been around for thousands of years where the goal is to maintain a state of mindfulness and peace. Most people think of hippies or monks when they hear meditation but many different types of individuals meditate for many reasons. Meditation and mindfulness can lower blood pressure, decrease stress and anxiety, promote better sleep, and improve blood circulation. It can help with your bodily health and mental health. There are many types of meditation but there are two popular practices: concentration and mindfulness. Concentration meditation you focus on a single point such as breathing, a word, a sound, or counting mala beads. Mindfulness meditation involves the individual to not focus on anything around them and simply observe. Both can be used in any form of meditation.
How to meditate
Meditation is rather simple and here is a guide to show that.
1. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. If you sit up, make sure your spine is erect and your head is slightly lowered.
2. Close your eyes slowly. You can use an eye mask if it helps your eyes stay gently closed.
3. Take three deeps breathes in to allow your body and mind to relax. Then continue to breathe naturally without effort.
4. Focus on your breathing. Where do you feel it the most? Your nose? Your chest? Focus on this with each inhale and exhale. Allow yourself to observe your body while you without judgement. Just observe it without changing anything.
5. Slowly wiggle your fingers and toes before opening your eyes when you feel like your ready.
You can meditate for however long you wish. It can be three minutes or three hours. If you are having a hard time meditating your first time, it is more than okay. It takes practice. There are tons of guided meditations on YouTube to help you when you are not able to meditate without focusing on everything around you.
How to add meditation to your daily schedule
As I mentioned before, you meditate for as long as you want. The goal is to experience peace and a sense of calm. If this takes only a few minutes, that is great! If it takes an hour, that is great too! It is personalized. Meditation is not to impress anyone or cause you stress. It is a time for yourself and yourself only. There are many ways to bring this sense of calm into your daily life. I love to meditate right when I wake up. My day is happier and I do not get stressed by minor obstacles. When you wake up, do not look at your phone or worry about anything about your day. Lay in your back with your eyes closed and take three deep breathes. Focus on your breathing and observe your body. Do this for as long as you need before you open your eyes and start your day. You can also meditate right before bed with the same method. it can help you sleep better and stay asleep throughout the night. You can meditate in the shower too! Stand with your eyes closed and breathe. Visualize the water washing away your stress and with every breathe, you inhale happiness. It is easy to bring mindfulness into every part of your day.
Meditation is a simple practice that everyone can do no matter your age, gender, race, or religion. Start off short and sweet without judging yourself. Everyone started from somewhere. Mediation takes practice and there are tons of resources on the internet to help you with mediation. Enjoy your stress-free days!