Here I sit. The rush of cars driving by. The sound of birds twittering in the background. The sun slowly leaving behind the beautiful earth to rest.
It darkens now. Squirrels curl up in their holes. People gather around their dinner tables. Babes fall into the abyss of dreams.
Then the stars come out. Nightcrawlers begin to make their appearance. Tiny critters open up their eyes. Lovers dance in the moonlight.
It is this beautiful scene which greets my eyes as I reflect on the events of the busy day that I have just had. As I descend into the final countdown of the semester, it is important that I take these few precious moments to allow the cool breeze of the evening to relax my mind and emotions. It can be difficult, as a student, to find moments to relax when I know that I have a lot of things to do, assignments to complete, and exams to study for.
However, taking that time to simply be still can be a lot more rewarding than cramming everything in last minute. I have found that working on assignments for a short period over a long time span can be kinder to and easier upon my mental state. And though I can’t always adhere to such a standard, I know that when I can I enjoy it a lot more than when I allow the seemingly unending period until the assignment is due lull me into a state of inactivity.
Be that as it may, I know that even though I still have final due dates looming over my head, I can afford to take a couple minutes to reflect on my current state. Therefore, I would simply like to say that I look forward to the semester’s end.
With the onset of summer, I will once more be placed into a position of greater flexibility and responsibility. I plan to increase the hours I work as well as the time I devote to independent study. Maybe I’ll go on a trip to a foreign location or maybe I’ll just stay home and watch movies or reread favorite books, but for now the summer vacation will mainly be centered around improving my finances and my position in the workplace and major.
Thank you to all my lovely readers and I pray that coming weeks will find you once more in a state of joyful expectation and delight.
Have a blessed day.