Do you remember seeing the pretty princess in Disney movies? Or the commercial for the fast car with the attractive woman driving it? How about the music video with the male surrounded by half naked women? What about that TV show with the perfect housewife?Society consumes hours of media every day, what we don’t realize is what the mass media means to us and what it is presenting to us.
According to media, women are supposed to have pounds of makeup, no flaws, and always look presentable. There is a double standard for women when it comes to their sexuality. Not to mention women have to deal with body image issues, where mass media is projecting the “ideal” body to women. Constantly seeing various media with women who are skinny and are “perfect” causes the viewers to feel insecure, wishing they looked perfect. Women’s bodies are different sizes, shapes, and colors but the media’s specific female body is the same for everyone. Look at a magazine or look online at clothes and wonder if a girl would think “wow I wish my body looked like that”? There is always a worry that they are not “perfect”. When in all reality there is no such thing as perfect.
Although the media is projecting a specific image of the body, it is also projecting certain ideas about sexuality. Women have a right to express their sexuality but the media’s idea about sexuality is very specific and degrading. Let’s face it, sex is intriguing in society. Women are told they have to be pure and innocent yet they have to be sexy and appealing. This makes both females and males prone to idolizing an unrealistic woman and might make the real women look dull in comparison. Females who express sexuality and control their own bodies are seen as too sexual. Men want women who are pure and innocent but if the women are too sexual and take control of their own sexuality this can cause slut-shaming. Slut-shaming is making a female feel guilty about displaying their sexuality therefore people call them names. For example in the Scarlet Letter, a female character had to wear an “A” to display her adulterous behavior.
The physical and emotional impact media has on women it is lasting. Women and young girls are taking the information from media and applying to their selves causing bad self-esteem. In my opinion I believe women need to stand up to media companies. If society continues to fall in the media’s footsteps then everyone’s perception on women will change for the worse causing more damage.