The label of alt-right is mostly just a new fun way to make neo-nazis seem harmless — which is ridiculous, considering that they are an organization of people founded on the principles of upholding white supremacy. The notion that mass media, as well as the internet, does not see a need to label them and call them out for the foundations of their beliefs is such an obvious show of acceptance of their values. This comes from the same media organizations that label Black Lives Matter as a terrorist group that are here to destroy America, but refuse to see the hypocrisy in the resurgence of the neo-nazi movement in America and the threat that that can bring to America.
The refusal to call the "alt-right" neo-nazis is not just an acceptance of values but is often a pure blindness to what these individuals believe. Nazis are used in so many forms of entertainment, such as movies and video games, as the bad guy that they are easily recognizable as being the villain for good reason. This is inherently lost when these people that believe all of the same things as the nazi regime are not being labeled as what they are and can boost sympathy and understanding for this movement. This allows those involved in the movement to remove themselves from the label as well as allow others to humanize this idea of evil we regularly recoil from.
Many news outlets are now running so-called exposé pieces about the resurgence of the "alt-right" in upper middle class white millennials. There is a possibility that they are not making the connection between "make America great again" and "make America white again" but at this point, the argument is not only invalid but also not nearly enough of an excuse for promoting and humanizing a group of violent racists. There is a vast majority of writers that feel that calling the movement white supremacy or white nationalist does not fully define what the "alt-right" stands for and I suppose that is true. White Supremacy does not come close to fully encapsulating what the movement is. The term "violent and vulgar neo-nazis" is much more appropriate when covering the wide range of their beliefs.