Is The Media Inciting A Race War? Or Are We Doing It To Ourselves?
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Is The Media Inciting A Race War? Or Are We Doing It To Ourselves?

The relationship between races, cops and citizens, and social class seems to be worsening instead of progressing.

Is The Media Inciting A Race War? Or Are We Doing It To Ourselves?

I would like to preface this by reminding the audience that my oldest brother serves as a sergeant for the NYPD. I would also like to point out that I myself, as a "Hispanic-American", have never suffered from any mistreatment during my encounters with law enforcement.

Below is a list of the 5 white men shot on the same day as Keith Scott, that the media "ignored" according to many posts on social media. (Let's bare in mind that the media's job isn't to offer factual information but to obtain views and get paid)

22 year old Joshua Scott was killed after barricading inside of his house with a gun and shooting at SWAT.

35 year old Charles Dove, suspected of committing 2 robberies, was killed by police “during an altercation” and a gun was found on him after the shooting.

23 year old Michael Goodale was killed while police were serving an arrest warrant. Police fired one shot and he fell 4 stories to his death.

49 year old Thomas Tucker Jr. was shot by police after brandishing a gun at them.

43 year old Sandy Joe Duke was killed by police after pulling out a gun.


I've noticed that many who speak out against BLM don't do anything to diffuse the situation. Instead, they make matters worse by going against it. Sounds a lot like oppression... If they want the "animals" to stop rioting and to stop "seeking attention" perhaps they should use their apparent superior intelligence, as they might put it, and help diffuse the situation instead of deepening the divide?

The difference between those 5 and this 1, as far as police reports go, is that Scott wasn't aiming or firing at police. In the videos being circulated, there is no definitive evidence that Scott had a firearm in hand. From what I have seen, his hands are empty, and he doesn't appear to make a movement for a firearm.

Part of the problem, as many have pointed out, is highlighting racial differences and making it seem like it's solely about race. The following quote hints at the possible intent behind these patterns:

"So that is why George Sauron and all the top-tier foundations are funding groups like Black Lives Matter. That is why the globalists are all in favor of unlimited immigration. The more that the people in America think of themselves as black or white or Hispanic or gay or Muslim rather than American, the easier it is for the global elite to “pierce the shell of state sovereignty” while we are all busy fighting each other." - Christopher Chantrill

The bigger problem is people reacting to it in such a way that deepens the divide. If you're smart enough to see the flaws in the media, you should be smart enough to not 'pick a side' and make it all about race.

It is easy to criticize rioters for causing nonsensical mayhem; even a child can do that. The challenge is to understand why they feel the need to do this in the first place. Telling them to "shut up and sit down", or painting stereotypes as factual with memes such as the one shown below, will do nothing but make matters worse.

So I ask, is the media the only entity contributing to this divide? Or are we also guilty of perpetuating this polarization? I see a lot of people saying we need to unite, but I haven't seen too many actions of unity.

Before you let your emotions guide your way of thinking, ask yourself these two questions:
1) Do I know what it's like to risk my life on a daily basis, knowing that any unstable or misguided person with an agenda can attempt to take my life?
2) Do I know what it's like to always seem/feel guilty or suspicious in a society where a stigma surrounds the color of my skin?

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