If you're going to measure your self-worth, I hope you find it not in the number of people you've lost this year, but in the number of people you've gained.
I hope you measure it not by the number of times people have told you they're proud of you, but the number of times you've made yourself proud.
I hope you don't measure it in the number of people that were there for you when you needed someone, but yet you measure your self-worth in the number of people you've been there for when they needed someone.
I hope you find your self-worth in your dream job and not in a man.
I hope you find yourself by losing yourself in the service of other people.
I hope you find your self-worth in working like hell for the one thing you want most in the world and the day you finally get it, I hope you look at yourself in the mirror and know that it was worth every late night and early morning.
If you're going to measure your self-worth, I hope it's not with the amount of money you have, but the amount of money you would've been willing to give away to someone who needs it more than you.
If you're going to measure your self-worth, I hope you don't measure it by the number of times you've laid in bed feeling sad and helpless, but by the number of times you've gotten up and reminded yourself of the better days ahead, no matter how hard it was.
I hope you don't measure your self-worth through the tests you've failed or the things you've lost, but instead, you measure it in the good things that came to you after you've lost all hope.
If you're going to measure your self-worth, I hope you don't focus on the time it took you to accomplish something, but the fact that you accomplished it in the first place.
I hope you measure it by the amount of kindness in your soul and know that it has nothing to do with how you look on the outside.
If you're going to measure your self-worth, I hope you measure it in the number of times you've made someone else laugh or the number of times you've gone out of your way to make someone smile.
I hope you measure your self worth in the number of risks you've taken and the amount of courage you have.
I hope you measure it in how many books you've read or how many TV shows you've finished or how many recipes you've baked.
If you're looking for your self-worth, I hope you don't look for it in the hundred bad things that happened to you today, but you find it in the one good thing that happened for you.
I hope you never find your self worth in a person, but you find it in your favorite hobby or your dream job or the adventures that you take.
If you're going to measure your self-worth, I hope you don't measure it in the time you've had to spend alone, but yet by the time you've willingly spent time alone and got to know yourself.
I hope that you don't diminish your self-worth when looking at all the places you thought you'd be by now, but instead find it in the realization that you have come so far since last year at this time.
I hope you remember your self worth randomly and a lot. Each time someone tells you 'thank you' or hugs you because they're proud of you. I hope you remember that every bad moment happens to teach you something. I hope you never forget, no matter where you go or how successful you become, the place you came from and all that you had to go through to get there.
And lastly, I hope you never measure your self worth by a number. The number on a scale, the number of friends you have, your age, or how many likes you get on your Instagram posts. Your dream weight means nothing if you don't respect yourself. You are not defined by how many people want to spend their time in your presence. You're never, ever too old or too young to love yourself and express it to the world. And most important of all, I hope you know that likes on Instagram are superficial and the only thing they can try to measure is your popularity or your outside appearance. What they cannot do is show the world how magnetic your personality is or how brilliant your mind is. You are greater than any number could ever express, and none of those can show everything you've overcome to get here.
If you're going to measure your self-worth, I pray that you measure it by your own standards and know that other people's standards of self-worth are truthfully none of your business.