You have been
breathing for twenty springs,
You have seen
the soft glow of the sun,
thawing the frozen earth
Year after year.
You have wanted
to slip into the atmosphere,
tear the air to another dimension,
slide through another life
Another beginning.
You have begun
claiming an existence.
Not hiding in the void where I am,
Swallowed by obscurity and frailty.
You have made me proud,
Embracing your reality and
Radiating energy with
The force of a thousand supernovas,
Illuminating the dim that consumes me.
You have warned me,
Don't listen to their selfish
We do not need to have it all planned out,
following their routes and markers as if they are gouged
In our skin.
Expected to be whole and manageable,
When they broke us.
We are measuring our own minutes.
We are spinning our own stories.
We are the divinity of the universe.
Can you see the nebula?
I have to die so you can live.