Hypothetically, let's say I have dated a few fellas in my short years of living. I have always questioned, was he the right one for me? Was he really into me? Was he really worth it? Well, ladies and gentleman, I am here to tell you that those questions shouldn't even enter your mind; once you find the one who is right for you, you will know, here's why:
1. You can feel it.
No one will make you as happy, feel as appreciated and enjoy you as much as he does.
2. He will put in effort.
Want to hang out? No problem, he will want to too. Can't think of what to do that day? He will have an answer.
3. He will bring out the best in you.
Only an asshole brings out the crazy bitch in you. If this fella is a goofball like you and you can act like yourself, you are set.
4. He will support your success.![]()
He will be interested in supporting you, no matter how hard or crazy it may seem. If he takes you down a notch or holds you back, say buh bye!
5. He makes you feel secure.
Your insecurities should be killed with the way he looks at you and the way he compliments you.
6. He will prioritize your happiness.
He will do anything to make sure you are happy ... and I mean it shouldn't be hard since just him being there with you should be what is feeding your happiness.
7. He will ask about your day, your life. ![]()
An asshole couldn't care less. If he shows interest about the little things, keep him close.
8. He will do little things for you, just because.
Do you appreciate nature? He will do things like go on a sea kayaking trip and bring you home beautiful shells he found.
9. He is great in real life.
He isn't just sweet over text and he shouldn't be; he will actually value conversation in person more.
10. He will want to show you off to his family and friends.![]()
An asshole will hide you from them and makes excuses.
I hope you have found your soulmate and feel for the list above. If not (yet), I hope the search isn't much longer.