Now more than ever we are hearing the term, “politically correct” being used a lot. The term is brought up in political debates and is what divides most people. So many citizens bash someone like Donald Trump because he tends not to use it. Meanwhile, others say that being politically correct is what’s making this country weak. Those who speak politically correct often avoid any language or behavior that can be found offensive to any particular group of people. It’s the notion of agreeing with the idea that all people should be careful with the language that they use and refer to other groups by using correct terms.
In most cases there are always two sides to every story. For those who fight against speaking politically correct, they make a valid point. The world that we live in is filled with violence and people who don’t care what they do or whom they hurt. There are bigger issues out there than worrying about offending people. Recently, most people have been getting upset with the fact that President Obama still fails to use the term, “Radical Islamic Terrorists.” Even though Obama explained why he decides not to use it, people are still outraged; especially after the tragedy that happened in Orlando. The public feels that our commander in chief is avoiding the issue at hand and is more concerned about not offending people than keeping our country safe. Our country is fed up with constantly being the main target. People want to do anything necessary in order to keep out country safe, even if it means offending certain groups of people.
The other side of the story is speaking politically correct, a side that I typically lean towards. However, even though I agree with this term, I don’t think it should be taken as seriously as people take it. I believe it’s okay to laugh here and there and sometimes in life you’re going to have to say things that might upset others. To me, speaking politically correct is thinking twice about what you’re going to say and to do your best to choose your words more carefully. People are going to get offended no matter what, but it’s important to say things more carefully and professionally. A major current issue is the blaming of all Muslims for being terrorists. People are too quick to judge and don’t take other people into consideration. I know plenty of people who are Muslim and wouldn’t hurt a fly. By making a statement like this, society is labeling an entire group of people as bad, when in reality it is only a small number of people within that group.
In today’s society, now more than ever, it is very important to watch what you say. Of course, the first amendment protects your right to the freedom of free speech, but it’s just a common courtesy not to offend others when you talk. Personally, I respect everyone’s beliefs and opinions, no matter how much I may disagree with it. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want and live how they please.