While going to Liberty, I have encountered a lot of people who want to go into "full-time ministry" after they graduate. To them, it means working in a church or working with missionaries overseas. All they want to do is be in the church 24/7. And that's awesome! We need a lot of people who are able and willing to work in the church. But is that all that full-time ministry is? Yes and no. If you want to work in full-time ministry, there are plenty of companies and churches that offer jobs for one to serve full-time while being paid to do so. But what if there aren't any job openings for the field I want to serve in? That's okay. Because working in full time ministry does not mean that you have to work in church.
Full-time ministry is a subject that often gets confused in the Christian community. People don't know what it really means to be in ministry full-time, and they confine the job to a box. So, what does it really mean?
As a Christian, we're called to tell the world about Jesus Christ and share the good news of the Gospel. The first thing that comes to mind when one thinks about sharing the good news with everyone is preaching or missionary work. Those jobs are great options, but God doesn't call everyone to be pastors or to go to a third world country. That doesn't mean God isn't calling you to work in full-time ministry.
Consider working in an office building of some sort. It's not a Christian organization. It's not faith-affiliated. But you want to work in full-time ministry? Well, there's your chance. You see, living your life how God wants and tells you to can actually be part of your ministry. You could talk all day about how God loves everyone, but when it comes down to it, it's your actions and attitude that speak louder than anything you could ever say to anyone.
We are all given gifts and talents to use for the glory of God. And sometimes we don't get to use these abilities in a church building. That's totally okay! Most of the time, God has us use our gifts and talents at random moments that we would never think about. THAT is part of ministry. And if you keep your heart open to God, He'll use you every single day. My friends, that is what full-time ministry is. Leave your heart open for God. Listen to Him and read His Word. Let Him use you for His full-time ministry.
Don't be so specific in the plans you make because I'll bet you that God has something totally different planned. Get out of your comfort zone. God does great things both overseas through missionaries and in the church back home. But God does some really amazing things through situations that you may not think it possible. There are no limits to what God can do. Let Him guide you to where He wants you. Keep your ears and heart open, and you'll be working in full-time ministry for the rest of your life.