Hey there. It's been a while, hasn't it?
So, I bet you have a ton of questions for me about your future, huh? I know you're pining to ask me about life in high school and the friends you'll have. I bet you want to hear all about whether or not your childhood fantasy of being kissed in front of your locker will come true, or if you'll be asked to prom.
But until then, there are some things that I need to tell you, things that others have neglected to tell you. There are things that you should've known for a very long time now.
The friends that stick with you through these three years will become the closest friends you'll ever have. They'll see you at your best, and more often than not, your worst. They'll comfort you when you get a thirty on your math test, or they'll lend you an extra dollar when you're short so you can eat lunch when you've left yours at home. They'll expose you to new things like Facebook and rated R movies. They'll be with you no matter what you're going through.
And unfortunately, you will lose friends as well. Whether it be because you've grown apart, you don't see eye to eye, or you've each made new friends, I want you to know that it's okay. Things happen for a reason, and as long as you don't choose a boy over your best friend, then it'll all be okay.
Ignore the comments you hear in the halls. I know it's hard to brush aside the remarks people have made about your large stomach and greasy bangs. I know it's hard when your sense of style is the focal point of their ridicule, or that you still prefer to drink a strawberry coolatta from Dunkin Donuts rather than an iced coffee with sugar.
And the worst of them all, being told that you can't like things you enjoy like Webkinz or Club Penguin anymore because those are for kids. Well, I have news for you. Despite what you've heard, you're still a kid, and you have every right to enjoy what you want to enjoy. You still have some growing up to do, and that's okay! Enjoy your strawberry coolatta and continue to ogle over your Webkinz collection. And your appearance? Well, there's a little thing called puberty heading your way, and she's a real lifesaver, let me tell you.
Don't worry about not having an answer when you're asked if you have a crush on anyone. Boys are like strong coffee, the taste will be acquired over time.
Keep your glasses. You're too young to start wearing contacts. And as for makeup... please ditch the blue eyeshadow.
And as for your impending questions, well, you'll just have to wait and see. Nobody likes spoilers.
But what I can tell you is that everything gets better. And although waiting may seem like a lifetime, it'll be the best journey of your life.
And I can't wait for you to catch up with me.