Each campus organization has something to offer for each student at McNeese State University. There are over 160+ organizations on campus, and with that being said, it's safe to say you'll find at least one organization to join. These organizations provide members with unique advantages to better his or her college career. Becoming a part of a campus organization can add number of tools to your arsenal in helping you tackle college, have fun, improve a variety of skills, give back to the community and even strengthen your religious faith.
Academic Organizations
Academic organizations help students develop or strengthen their interest, knowledge, or study in an academic field or major by bringing like minded students together to achieve these goals.
Kappa Kappa Psi, Physical Education Majors (PEM) Club, Philosophy Club, Sigma Alpha Iota, Student Art Association, Student Leadership Advisory Council, Teachers Are Readers
Campus Ministry Organizations
Campus ministry organizations allow students to support and celebrate the interests of each ministry, along with hosting fun events that bring students together to discuss interests in different areas of faith.
635 Campus Ministry, Apostolic Collegiate Ministries, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, Cowboys for Christ, Episcopal Canterbury, Mantles Do Fall, Newman Club, Presbyterian Campus Fellowship, Life Change, St. John Lutheran, Wesley Foundation
Chartered Organizations
Chartered organizations are selected to support the universities missions and are assigned specific resources and fees to help carry out the missions of the university. These organizations receive specific resources and fees, which is why they are labeled as chartered organizations.
McNeese Band, McNeese Blue and Gold Peerleaders, McNeese Chamber Singers, McNeese Cheerleaders, McNeese Cowgirl Kickers, McNeese Debate Council, McNeese Rodeo Club, Student Union Board, Student Government Association
Greek Organizations
Greek organizations are required to be under a Greek Governing Council at McNeese such as Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), or the McNeese Pan-Hellenic Council (MPC). However each Greek organization is required to be under the Greek Unity Board (GUB). Greek organizations are not only social organizations but also have a strong emphasis on philanthropy, teamwork, and academic success.
Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha, Chi Omega, Delta Sigma Theta, Greek Unity Board, Interfraternity Council, Iota Phi Theta, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Sigma, McNeese Panhellenic Association, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Omega Psi Phi, Phi Beta Sigma, Phi Mu, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Gamma Rho, Theta Chi, Zeta Phi Beta
Honors Organizations
Honors organizations are nationally recognized and are affiliated with academic departments, majors, or activities..
Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Psi Omega, Beta Alpha Psi, Lambda Pi Eta, Order of Omega Greek Life Honor Society, Pi Kappa Delta, Pi Sigma Alpha (Chi Psi Chapter), Psi Chi, Sigma Tau Delta
Multicultural Organizations
Students may join a multicultural organization to celebrate or learn the interests and values of one or many cultures or ethnicities.
Indian Student Association, International Student Association, Nepalese Student Association, Saudis At McNeese State University, Vietnamese Student Association
Political Organizations
In political organizations, like minded students gather to support the interests, actions, or affiliations of political parties or issues.
Christians United for Israel, College Democrats, College Republicans, Israeli Alliance at McNeese State
Professional Organizations
Professional Organizations helps students prepare for entry into the professional world by allowing likeminded individuals discuss ideas, goals, and similar interests.
American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Association for Computing Machinery, Athletic Training Society, Collegiate FFA, Delta Sigma Pi, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Kappa Kappa Iota, Louisiana Association of Educators, Mathematics Association of America, National Association of Black Accountants, Nutrition & Food Science Student Association, Pre-Dental Society, Pre-Law & Politics Society, Pre-Medical Society, Pre-Pharmacy Society, Pre-Physical & Occupational Therapy Society, Pre-Veterenary Society, Public Relations Student Society of America, Radiologic Technology Organization, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Society of Forensic Science, Society of Professional Journalists, Society of Women Engineers, Student Entrepreneurship & Innovation Club, Student Nurses Association
Special Interest Organizations
Special Interest Organizations are a way for students to get involved with other students who share the same interests along with pursuing similar ideas, interests, and issues.
Anime and Manga Association, Astronomical Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Generation Action, Higher Level Gospel Choir, Inspire Natural Hair Club, International Justice Mission Chapter, Investment Team, Lead U!, NAACP
Spirit Organizations
Spirit organizations encourage school spirit by getting students more involved around campus.
Service Organizations
Service Organizations are dedicated to helping out the community, the school, and national philanthropies. These organizations are all about giving back to the community and those in need.
Best Buddies, Be The Match on Campus, Colleges Against Cancer, Cowboys for St. Jude, Cowboys In Action, Habitat for Humanity at McNeese State University, NAMI on Campus, Rotaract, Kappa Lamda Society of Service
Sports/Recreation Organizations
Sports and Recreation Organizations promote students' interests in particular sports and recreational activities.
Fishing Club of McNeese State University, Soccer Club, Tennis on Campus
You can check out these organizations, meet current members and learn more about them at the Student Organization Fair that will be held in the New Ranch on August 25.
If there isn't an organization that sparks your interest then don't be discouraged. You have the ability to start up your own organization for yourself and other students who share the same interests. If you're interested in doing so, click here to learn more about the process.