You're a social butterfly. You like to interact with new people and all you're life you've been told you are an extrovert. But what about the times where you avoid all human contact? What about the days you lock yourself in your room because being social is just too much work? But when you are out and about, you have no problem socializing. You're not shy by any means and you're not afraid to initiate a conversation with friends or with a stranger.
Often the best therapy for you is having a heart to heart with your best friend at 2 a.m., but if that's not the medicine of choice at the moment, you spend two hours in your bathtub with Frank Ocean in the background. Some nights you want to party, to just go out and let loose and surround yourself with people. If you do go out though, the next two nights are dedicated to wearing the same sweatpants and binge watching all the seasons of "American Horror Story."
Why aren't you one or the other? Why is that some days you are the most happy-go-lucky, I-never-want-to-leave-my-friends person, and some days talking to people sounds like the scariest thing in the world? You feel like a mess because you are made up of two opposites and nothing makes much sense. You get questioned for falling on either side. If you're spending multiple nights in a row out on the town, you get asked why you never stay home or why you aren't being more responsible. If you spend a couple days in your apartment without turning on your phone, your friendship is questioned and you'll be asked if you're depressed.
The thing is, you're none of these things. You are still responsible and you are still happy and you still love the people around you. You know why? Because you're an ambivert. Your soul isn't satisfied with one particular way of living so you do whatever you want. Should you apologize for this? Never. Its not a crime to live both ways, it's not a crime to spend too many nights at the club or too many nights in your room.
An extrovert loses battery power when alone and charges by being around others, an introvert is the opposite. You, the ambivert, are neither. You don't lose power from a specific social situation and you don't charge from one either. You lose power sporadically and can only be charged by doing what your heart requires of you. On different occasions, you are told different things by your heart so don't be afraid to appease it.
You are not wrong or weird or confused if you identify with anything previously mentioned. Being an ambivert is simply less common and less acknowledged so if anything, you're special. You're so unique that not even the Myer Briggs test can handle you. Take pride in that.