I might be opening myself up to a shit storm by writing this article, but that's fine. Isn't that what writing is all about? There’s your warning. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and here's mine.
The 2016 Presidential Election is complete BS. I don't care if you're black, white, gay, straight, republican, democrat or the color purple for that matter; it's a complete joke. With that said I'm on neither side, republican or democrat. Personally, I think it’s insane to have to pick one side when you agree with views from both. What do I know? On another note, I refuse to vote for candidates that trash people on Twitter. Are you joking? I don't even have a twitter for crying out loud. I get the whole publicity thing but I would think if you’re running for, I don’t know President of the United States, you’d do it with some class.
I’ve never really been a fan of Donald Trump, even as a person, so I don’t know how I’m supposed to be a fan of him as our president. His attitude pretty much equals that of a bratty rich 16-year-old making faces at her parents when she doesn’t get her way. I’m also done scrolling through Facebook seeing all the ridiculous posts about how he’s going to “Make America Great Again” when the information provided to back it up is completely false. The only thing that a Trump supporter is to Trump is a vote, so good luck with that one.
(Don't be those people).
I see Hilary as that girl who talks a bunch of shit about her best friend behind her back and then does a pretty good job at covering it up. As we’ve seen before. She’s sneaky, and her so-called fame and fortune are the only things that saved her ass. I get older people are “bad with technology,” but I'm just not buying that all those emails were deleted on accident. At this point, I think I can trust gas station sushi more.
This election has become more of a reality TV show than an election. The media eats up all the hatred, negativity, and tension that spreads through not only the candidates but through the people as well. The immaturity is unbelievable and to think that one of those human beings will be in charge of our country is a little bit terrifying.
Below are some anonymous quotes that accurately describe our Presidential Election 2016.
“It’s like watching a couple complaining about who walked the dog last.”
“At this point I would consider voting for eggplant parmesan”
“I can’t wait for the season finale of America”
“Everybody Sucks 2016”
“Is your refrigerator running? Because I might vote for it.”
“Trump can run for President with no political experience, but I need a master's and five years experience for an entry level job.”
“What if nobody was President and we all promised real hard just to be cool.”
If you're angered by this article then take it somewhere else. I’ve never cared for politics because, I mean, look at the shithole our country is in. It’s bass-ackwards and that’s my opinion, of which I'mGreat entitled to. May the odds be ever in our favor.