8. International Migratory Bird Day - May 11th | The Odyssey Online
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17 Holidays Coming This May That You Need To Prepare For Now

It's going to be May!

17 Holidays Coming This May That You Need To Prepare For Now

Oh the month of May, the month of spring, the winding down of the school year with summer slowly approaching. May is notoriously known as the month that holds Mothers Day, but did you know that there are actually a handful of holidays happening in the month of May that are just as exciting as Mothers Day? Well, in case you didn't, I've decided to list a few.

1. May is National Salad Month


Oh yeah, celebrate your healthy side and try out numerous salads throughout the month of May!

2. May is National Hamburger Month


Not a salad fan? Well fret not because you can get your loose pants on to celebrate national burger month by trying different burgers everyday! Actually, for health purposes, you probably shouldn't. But hey, I do not judge your journey.

3. May is Older Americans Month


Take the time during the month of May to appreciate our older Americans. Go out and spend time with your granny, or heck volunteer at your local assisted living area or nursing home - those guys need some loving too.

4. International Tuba Day - May 3rd


This day falls on the first Friday of every May which happens to be the third! Go on and celebrate your tuba playing or your tuba playing friends!

5. Lumpy Rug Day - May 3rd


This day is always celebrated on May 3rd. This is the day where we take the time to appreciate a good rug. How do you enjoy lumpy rug day? Go buy yourself a new lumpy rug. Or, take the time to appreciate the rug you own.

6. Free Comic Book Day - May 4th


This day always falls on the first Saturday of the month of May. Go to your local comic book shop on this day to pick up some new comics you've been dying to read. Maybe even brush up on your comic book knowledge for Endgame (even tho it has already hit theaters by then).

7. Clean Up Your Room Day - May 10th


Hey, May is spring and spring is for cleaning.

8. International Migratory Bird Day - May 11th


This day falls on the second Saturday of every may. Take the time to go out into nature and learn about the bird flying into your area for the season.

9. National Windmill Day - May 11th


This is a traditional Holiday celebrated in Holland, the land of the Windmills. Take the time to brush up on your native roots or brush up on a new culture and dwell in this nation's pride in their windmills. Trust me, the history of it all is actually interesting.

10. Dance Like A Chicken Day - May 14th


Life is too serious guys. Take the time to dance like a chicken.

11. National Bike To Work Day - May 17th


In a time where our planet is needing clean energy more than ever, dust off your ol' bike and ride it to work. Hey, you may actually be touching base with that New Year's resolution you made about being more active by engaging with this holiday.

12. No Dirty Dishes Day - May 18th


Let's face it, dishes are the worst! This is the day where the goal is to not make any dirty dishes so that you can give yourself a break from doing the dishes. How can this be done? Use biodegradable, disposable dishes or take the family out to eat for all three meals!

13. World Goth Day - May 22nd


Black not your color? Well, have no fear because this day is not about wearing black, but about goth culture. Celebrate you uniqueness this day. Maybe listen to some Black Veil Brides for old times sake.

14. Don't Fry Friday - May 24th


Always celebrated the Friday before memorial day, don't fry Friday is the day to remember that summer is approaching and you need to take the proper steps to help protect the skin on your body. Sunscreen baby, sunscreen!

15. National Brown Bag It Day - May 25th


Very few people take their lunches in brown paper bags. Take it back to old school times and take your lunch in a brown paper bag.

16. Water A Flower Day - May 30th


Take the time to love Mother Earth by taking care of her plants on this day.

17. Save Your Hearing Day - May 31st


This is the day to take the time to learn about what causes hearing loss and how to prevent it.

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