So I was on the internet surfing for some science and tech stuff and quite by chance I stumbled upon an episode of brain games. The episode wasn’t too out of the ordinary, it was just as science-y but for some reason it spoke to me, maybe for the reason that it had some answers that I have been looking for a long time..
I won’t go into much details but essentially it kind of went to show the power of a brain that has more than just one language installed. They said, the number of languages you speak has a direct effect on your ability to pick up multifarious resonances. It enhances your propensity to perceive, thereby sculpting your sense of sound and the way you think. Cool, right?
But here is the thing, when someone says “language” our instinctive reaction would be to refer to English, Spanish, Bengali etcetera etcetera, in short, to refer to what is known to be “language.” However, there is actually a lot more to that. For the people who are always looking at which language to learn next, let me tell you something more fun. Math is a language too and so is art. Surprised? I thought you would be.
You see, every subject that is seen to deliver a message or contribute in a way to the community has been referred to as a language. A lot of the people I know hate math. They think it’s too “hard” and a lot of them say its “unnecessary” if you aren’t looking to be a mathematician. Well, you are WRONG.
Math is just as essential as any other core subject regardless of what course you are taking. Subconsciously, you are using math at every step of the way. That should be enough to explain how important it is to one.
Scientifically proven, someone who is always working his math brain has a lot more insight than someone who isn’t. I am not saying the other courses make you dumb or less logical but math has a way of making you stand out. In fact if you dig deeper every subject that has analytics are actually using forms of mathematics to define them.
Superficially, it might look as though learning math is just about going about a laundry list of math skills, techniques on how to manipulate numbers and solve problems. But training on all this stuff delivers more experience at an important form of rational thinking.
If you are a fitness freak you know the importance of exercise,similarly math is an exercise for the brain which is just as important to mental health if not more.
Math isn’t just a number. It goes way beyond what you learn in schools. From taking decisions about your love life or even our social networks to dealing with office problems, having a math brain can provide you with conclusions that will save you a lot of heart aches. Math isn’t just a bunch of numbers bent on screwing up your mind, rather a gift. I am not a math major but I have learned its importance the hard way. I just enrolled in a class this semester for college. It wasn’t a pre-requisite but I like to be on top and in most cases, the right one. For someone who is academically meticulous will know what I mean.