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15 Matching Sets You Need For The Summer Months, When You're Too Lazy To Plan An Actual Outfit

Don't worry, I scrolled through Forever 21 and found the best matching sets — you're welcome.

15 Matching Sets You Need For The Summer Months, When You're Too Lazy To Plan An Actual Outfit

We can all agree that it's such a struggle putting together an outfit. If you're a huge fan of layers like me, you know you dread summer. Like, there's no way you can just throw on a groutfit and call it a day (unless you want to faint from overheating). Either way, you're bound to feel more pressured to dress cuter when it's warmer out. I get it: not everyone has the time to be creative to mix and match their entire closet for the perfect summer 'fits. Let me tell you that matching sets are the solution to your style struggles.

No worries because I got your back! Instead of doing my homework, I decided to scroll through Forever 21's pages of clothes. I filtered out everything to find the cutest matching sets. You can thank me later when you find your perfect match!

Neon orange

Denim jacket and a pair of high-waisted shorts but make it a highlighter shade. The neon orange pair is a fashionably bold one-tone move, and I'm so here for it.


Backless and slits? An innovative concept, TBH. This striped set lets your skin breathe freely — your back can cool off and your legs aren't contained!


A girl's got to have an all-white ensemble. Whether you're having brunch with your hometown hunnies or going on a date with your boo, this floral eyelet duo will make you look so fresh and chic.


Despite of Miranda Priestly's opinion on floral print, I'm just going to disregard that for a moment and encourage wearing the overrated pattern (I'm so sorry, Miranda). The floral romper is a halter top connected to a skort. How freakin' cute, right?


Who would've thought that graphing paper could ever be so stylish? Next time your family has an outdoor gathering, wear this cropped cami and pants combo.


You've seen Kim Kardashian rock a latex matching set. I know the material may not be appropriate for the hot weather, but hear me out real quick. The vinyl set would make such a bold look for a nighttime event.


Floral embroidery makes me feel very nostalgic — remember when your mom would buy you a lot of embroidered clothes? A set with embroidery is such a cute option for a daytime function.


Who said you have to give up soft and fuzzy clothing for the summer? Not me! If you're still on the hunt for festival outfits, make sure you add this all-yellow combo to your shopping cart. (Early) Halloween costume tip: recycle the look to recreate an adorable Big Bird costume.


If you're looking for that ultimate free and breathable ensemble, this is it. The knitted crop top and pants might just be your most comfortable option slightly breezy summer days.


Nothing says summer more than a vibrant tropical pattern. This satin set is perfect for the summer season, especially if you're hitting up a music festival or vacationing on an island.

Slime green

Listen, neon colors are very in right now, so you really can't escape them. Might as well join in on the latest trend and add this slime green pair of halter top and flare pants to your summer wardrobe. I mean, the cutout and slit details should be enough to convince you!


We're taking business casual to a whole new level — blazer and paperbag shorts as a set. If you intern or work at a more creative workplace, this is totally chic attire to strut around in.


It looks like baggy pants aren't going nonexistent again anytime soon (our worn-out skinny pants are shaking). The culottes with the self-tie top look so sophisticated, yet so cute, especially in this pale green color.


Denim on denim will always be a mood. This two-tone denim set is giving us such yeehaw vibes, but I'm loving everything about it.


Athleisure is another huge trend right now, and it has become everyone's favorite go-to style. This camo pair is your next clubbing ensemble — thrown on a mesh crop top to complete the look.

Warmer days are coming. Guess what that means? No more bundles and layers are canceled for the time being except when it's rainy or chilly. For now, as we deal with the weather change, it would only make sense to upgrade your summer wardrobe with these sets. The total lazy but stylish girl hack is investing in and sporting matching sets!

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