When my anxiety takes a dip, I have a few tricks that I start to do. The first being, I go for a walk wherever I am, the second is I try to distract my mind by talking to a close friend (I call these close friends my Anxiety responders), and the third is breathing. When my therapist first mentioned trying breathing techniques I tried them out and just did not think they were effective. I was wrong because just like everything, it all takes time. This past Thursday the 4-7-8 was put to the test because I started panicking a bit before COJO class started. My good Friend Katie was with me and bless her heart because I understand how scary it can be when someone has a panic attack so as I sat down in the middle of the morning hustle and bustle and begun to do 4-7-8, slowly that intense pounding feeling in my heart began to settle and I started to feel like myself again. I also did a few butterfly hugs and took a short little walk, but I knew in that instant that the 4-7-8 breathing technique has begun to make a world of a difference and I could not be more excited to tell you all about it! So it goes like this…
4 Seconds...
Take a deep breath counting to 4 seconds
7 Seconds of....
Hold that big breath in for a total of 7 seconds. If you have ever held your breath when you drive under a tunnel, this may feel like it! I always try to eliminate at least two worries during these 7 seconds.
The final 8...
Finally let it all out, but the key is to do it slowly in the course of 8 seconds and not all at once.
To all my fellow anxiety friends... Don't be discouraged!! Little by little, day by day and our worries can be controlled and you can live a happy, exciting, full life.