You hear about it and you are curious. You want to try it out, but you are not sure what to expect. I went to Body Pump to experience first-hand what this class is all about. Here are a few things you should know when you head to the infamous Body Pump class for the first time.
1. Most people come with friends.
2. A lot of people line up at the door at least twenty minutes before the class actually starts.
3. When you go into the studio, everyone rushes to get equipment.
4. Everyone seems like they know what they’re doing except for you.
5. The equipment is confusing at first.
6. The workout starts and it isn’t that bad.
7. Within two minutes, the muscles start to burn.
8. The track finishes and you feel relieved...
9. …But that was only the warm up.
10. You start to regret ever going to the class in the first place.
11. Your insides start screaming and you feel like you’re on fire every second.
12. It's normal to skip out on a few reps.
13. The instructor asks how you’re doing and everyone shouts a cheerful “whoo!” but you’re actually dying.
14. The work out feels like a painful blur… but somehow you push through.
15. The weights are dropped and cool down starts.
16. You walk out of class feeling like a noodle, but the workout was rewarding.
17. Things seem okay... until you face your first flight of stairs on your way to class.
Hey, at least your legs look good.