As you get older, the question “where are you from?” becomes very repetitive. Some people change their answer as the years go on but mine will always remain the same, Maryland.
3 years ago I had to make one of the biggest decisions of my life and pick a college to spend the next 4 years at, I chose Coastal Carolina University, in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. During these past 3 years, my family in Maryland decided to sell my house and move to Florida, so I no longer technically live in Maryland – but it will always be my home.
When you move away from your hometown, you’re just moving. The memories, the friendships, the moments never change, they will always remain the same; especially if you were lucky enough to grow up with amazing people like I did.
Living in a townhouse development, the houses are close, which means the people become even closer. In the 20 years that I lived in my neighborhood, my friends became my family and people I can never forget. While getting the chance to go back home last weekend, I can’t thank these amazing people enough for giving me a home even when I no longer have one in the neighborhood. It was so nice to feel at home again and to see how we can go months and years without speaking or even seeing each other, and it still feels like no one ever left.
I found moving away from home for college one of the hardest challenges I had to face. But almost every day I am reminded of how lucky I was to grow up where I did. Things may change but home will always be home.
I'm sure most college students are very familiar with this same situation. Home is always home and cherish every moment you can. They years fly by and they are moments you can never get back.