Maryland Football: Updated Preview | The Odyssey Online
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Maryland Football: Updated Preview

An updated look on UMD football heading into this season.

Maryland Football: Updated Preview

What's happening, Terps fans? As always, it's Connor Bell here, reporting on anything sports related in the DMV. You may have read my original article looking ahead to the 2015-2016 Maryland football season, and I have decided to write another one due to a couple of major updates that have happened with the program since my article was posted. Let's break things down by position again.


The quarterback race for first string shook up a bit in the last few weeks as former third string quarterback Shane Cockerille has switched positions from quarterback to fullback. This means now we have four quarterbacks on the team, but it is still Daxx Garman and Caleb Rowe battling it out for first string at this point.

Offensive Line

This position is as about the same as it was last time I wrote about them, except the good news is Tackle Derwin Gray looks to be healthy enough to start the first game of the season as of right now.

Tight End

This position also got a new weapon in former North Carolina tight end Avery Edwards after he was released from the Tar Heels after being convicted of larceny. With him, and veterans P.J. Gallo, Andrew Issacs and Derrick Hayward set to go this season, the Terps are stacked at tight end.

Wide Receiver

Now this position had huge shake ups this offseason. Not only did Stefon Diggs, Deon Long, and Daniel Adams leave the program, but receivers Marcus Leak and Juwan Winfree have left as well. With those guys gone, Levern and Taivon Jacobs will need to put the heavy weight on their shoulders. Both of them did not play in any games last season because Levern had charges of battery filed against him and was prevented from playing by the team, although he was proven innocent. Taivon went down last season after just the first game when he got tangled up with a James Madison defender while running a route and tore his ACL. It will be these guys and freshman recruits doing the most work catching the ball this season.

Fullback/Running Back

This position did not have too many changes either, except with quarterback Shane Cockerille moving to this position, with him and fellow fullback Kenny Goins Jr. taking most of the snaps. At running back, Brandon Ross will be doing most of the carries along with Wes Brown because former Terps Jacquille Veii and Albert Reid transferred in the offseason.



With the Terps switching to a 4-3, outside linebackers Jessie Anniebonam, Yannick Ngakoue, and Cavon Walker have all become defensive ends to use their speed along the outside rush with senior Quinton Jefferson and freshman Adam McLean to anchor the interior. This new defensive front should prove useful in stopping the run because that aspect of the game was a struggle for the Terps all of last season.

Inside/Outside Linebackers

With a 4-3 defense, the Terps are going to have to rely heavily on the inside backers because few outside linebackers remain, but among them juniors Avery Thompson and Jalen Brooks look to be the key guys to start. As for the inside linebackers, I look for the starter to be either Jermaine Carter or Abner Logan, who both were backups to first strings last season.


Two players left Maryland in the offseason, Zach Dancel and Undray Clark, but the way I see it they will be just fine as they are loaded in that position with safety Sean Davis leading the way, along with his incoming freshman brother Isaiah Davis. At corner the starers should be junior Will Likely and redshirt sophomore Josh Woods. Will Likely has already been named to four award-watch lists and was tied for second in interceptions last season with the Terps.

Despite all of these changes, the Terps should still be fine at all positions and will surprise more teams and people than everyone thinks at the moment.

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