Few characters in the Christmas account have been more extolled or more discussed than Mary, Jesus’ mother. You might call her the heroine of the story… and who doesn’t love the excitement of an attractive, young woman navigating plot twists, oppression, prophecy, strange visitors, and a life-or-death midnight flight? We praise her virtues and talk about how privileged she was. Yet, I wonder if we of the twenty-first century have forgotten just how challenging Mary found her position and how much faith it took for her to triumph.
The Greatest Honor was the Greatest Shame
The angel told Mary that she was “highly favored” (Lk. 1:28) because she would bear God’s Son. Those of us looking back on the wondrous account can agree that Mary was “blessed…among women” (Lk. 1:28), but those around Mary during her pregnancy would have had quite a different view.
In her Jewish culture, betrothal was more than engagement. It was considered marriage for legal purposes, with the exception that the man and woman did not live together or join in sexual union until the marriage day. Breaking a betrothal required a divorce.
Mary was already betrothed when the angel appeared to her. For Mary to become pregnant at this point would have subjected her to scandal and shame—hadn’t she dishonored her family and her husband? She could be publicly humiliated, and her husband could justly cancel their marriage. While it appears that Roman rule had diminished Jewish power in Mary's time, traditional law allowed adulterers to be stoned to death. Even without the fear of death, the societal ramifications of Mary's position remained significant.
Mary’s Response
Mary knew all this. But she knew, more importantly, that she was “the handmaiden of the Lord” (Lk. 1:38).
What was her response to all this? Her response to months, maybe a lifetime, of being ostracized? Her response to the uncertainty of her future? To losing her husband? To potentially facing public ridicule?
“Be it unto me according to thy word.” (Lk. 1:38)
In the face of both incredible privilege and immense sacrifice, Mary recognized that trusting God’s plan was the wisest course of action she could take.
Our Choice Today
Mary bore the Son of God in a different culture and in a different time from us. However, each of us is faced with the same choice in our lives today.
We hear the same message—“God has chosen you!” (Jn. 15:16) Just as God asked Mary to yield her body to carry the Messiah, so God asks us to yield ourselves to Him. It is an incredible privilege to be called by God to carry His Son, through His Spirit living in us, into this hostile world. Yet, that privilege also requires sacrifice. To stand with Christ is to stand against anything that opposes Him.
Mary chose obedience to God's word above her personal comfort and ease of life.
This Christmas, God is still looking for willing servants to carry Jesus into the world. Are you willing to yield to this honor?