The hype surrounding Marvel's newest movie installment "Avengers: Infinity War" has been building for years; 10, actually. Beginning with "Iron Man" in 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has grown exponentially with each movie connecting with the next. So to fully grasp the grandeur that is "Infinity War," I took it upon myself to rewatch all of the films in order. Here, over a month in the making, is a sloppy review of all 19 movies in the MCU so far.
1. "Iron Man" (2008)
I remember watching this movie as a kid and immediately wanting to be an engineer. I even decided to major in it in college. I’ve since changed my major, obviously, because physics is ass. But, it was a pretty poetic moment up until then. Long story short, Iron Man is the best; 10/10.
2. "The Incredible Hulk" (2008)
3. "Iron Man 2" (2010)
An incredible sequel! It was everything fans could have wanted plus Scarlett Johansson. 10/10.
4. “Thor” (2011)
5. “Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011)
Just Chris Evans doing his Captain America thing. This movie is the whole package honestly. 10/106. “Avengers” (2012)
You know that shot where they’re in the middle of New York looking at the aliens and the camera circles around them? 10/10 in itself. That could be the entire movie and I would still stan.
7. “Iron Man 3” (2013)
Feels like a DC movie, but I’m obligated to like it ‘cause, Iron Man. I’d watch it for continuity, but during an MCU marathon, it’s skippable. 6/10
8. “Thor: The Dark World” (2013)
I’m here for the world building and Loki’s bullshit. Other than that, this one is pretty average. 7/10.
9. “Captain America: Winter Soldier” (2014)
10. “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014)
The first MCU movie to ever make me cry… over a tree. @Marvel Writing Staff, how did you make an action-adventure/comedy make me cry over a tree!? Don’t play me like this. Overall, 10/10.
11. “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015)
12. “Ant-Man” (2015)
13. “Captain America: Civil War” (2016)
14. “Doctor Strange” (2016)
15. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017)
Everything I wanted and needed from this crew! Baby Groot AND three after credit scenes (!?). I am not worthy, 9/10.16. “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017)
17. “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017)
A step above “The Dark World” for me. Between Loki shenanigans and Hulk thriving, it made for a lot of laughs and feels. 8/10.18. “Black Panther” (2018)
19. “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018)
Thanks for joining me on the hype train! Immediate "Infinity War" reactions can be found on Twitter @jadedill.
“Avengers: Infinity War” (2018) opens in theatres April 27th, 2018.